Customer service center

Support your customers and become their star

Savan Koradia
Salesforce Commerce Cloud Tales
3 min readJul 16, 2022


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

It is crucial for the business to support customers quickly, and correctly. When a customer is buying from you, they would be happy if your business can resolve any queries, trouble, or problem they are facing. Just making a website or application for your business and making it automated using some AI tools is not enough for the business. There is a need for human touch who can understand questions and points from another human being.

If your business can support your customers it can give more trust to your customers and most likely they will come back or recommend it to others as well.

In Salesforce Commerce Cloud, there is a feature in business manager for your customer support team. Before moving further, I would recommend the below articles to read if not already:

SFCC is able to process and handle a very large number of orders and customers at the same time on a daily basis. And so there would be many questions and queries from customers.

As explained in the team rollout article, better if you have a functional dedicated customer support team that can connect and discuss with customers easily. It is important to find the exact issue or point from the customer before resolving it.

What you can do using the customer support module?


  • Manage
  • Change settings and information


  • Find orders
  • Change/manage order flow
  • Place a new order
  • Return / Refund existing order

How to enable the customer support module in SFCC BM?

Once you are ready for supporting your customers and you have a team in place to start supporting customers, you would need to follow the below steps to get ready your team:

  • Customer service account: Create an account for each customer support representative in SFCC BM. I would recommend using an MFA account login for your representative to avoid falling information into wrong information.
  • Customer service role: When you have dedicated people only for supporting customers, they do not require access to products, taxation, shipping, or any other integration setting module. This means you would need to create a dedicated role for them to access only the required module in the BM.
  • Customer service preference settings: You would need to set up the storefront URL in the preference setting so that the customer support module can access the storefront to log in on behalf of the customer. You can ask your technical team if you have no experience in applying proper settings.
Customer Service Center Preferences module in BM (Image by author)



Savan Koradia
Salesforce Commerce Cloud Tales

SFCC Solution Architect, Mentor. I write about technical learning, improvements, work culture, mentoring.