5 Red Flags That Should Stop You From Making a Hiring Mistake

Salesforce for Sales
2 min readJan 28, 2019

Ann Zaslow-Rethaber and Anna Souers, International Search Consultants

Hiring managers are wise to pay acute attention to how potential employees conduct themselves during the interview process in order to make the most informed decision possible. The vast majority of hiring fails to pick up on red flags that should have been heeded during the interview process.

If any of the following red flags show up during their very best behavior, one can only assume that it will get much, much worse as time progresses. Here are a few clear-cut warnings that managers should look out for during the interview process.

Red Flag #1: Problems with Punctuality

Did the interviewee show up on time? Did they comply with time limits set for them? Problems with punctuality typically accompany other issues such as deadlines. Being on time for tests and interviews shows reliability; a punctual employee is a more productive employee, and one you know will show up on time and be ready for a customer meeting.

Red Flag #2: Issues with Grammar

Good grammar is absolutely essential for good communication.

And of course, it’s incredibly important for communication with customers. Clean, well-written emails and proposals are a reflection of the rep as a professional and the organization itself. Who wants to do business with someone who sends a document riddled with typos? With something as simple as spell-check, it is inexcusable to have spelling errors in written correspondence. Be sure to take note of a candidate’s email style to identify any grammar issues.

Red Flag #3: Major Resume Fabrications

There’s incredible value in hiring an honest candidate. There are some misrepresentations you can let go, such as a discrepancy in the time reported at a previous place of employment or inflating a level of competence, which can be subjective to begin with.

You need to keep an eye out for the major lies, such as a fake degree. With today’s technology, backgrounds can be checked literally within seconds, if not minutes. Don’t skip a background check.

