The Quintessential Buyer-Centric LinkedIn Profile Checklist

Salesforce for Sales
2 min readSep 24, 2018

Brynne Tillman, CEO, Social Sales Link

If you want to attract, teach, and engage your buyers, it is time to convert your profile from a resume to a resource. We have all heard that 57% of a buying decision is made before a salesperson even knows someone is looking. Well, who is influencing that person’s opinion? Is it you or your competition? Using your LinkedIn profile effectively can help. Here are a few ways that salespeople can optimize their LinkedIn profiles.

Background Banner

We are all visual, so if you are in a business development role, including a banner that represents your company brand is important. If you don’t have a marketing department to create a profile for you, here are a few options:

  1. Canva is a free site with many options to create a perfect banner.
  2. provides an inexpensive way to have someone design a banner based on your logo and style.
  3. Create your own in PowerPoint using a template that you can find at


Similar to a newspaper, the headline’s job is to get your visitors to want to read more. Give the reader something of value. Mention who you help and how. Let your buyers know that you are speaking directly to their needs. Your credibility starts in the headline.

My headline is “Transforming the Way Professionals Grow Their Business by Leveraging LinkedIn to Schedule More Calls with Targeted Buyers.”

Writing a headline is very formulaic. First, I open with “Transforming” because it is an action word and “ing” words have impact. I then mention who I help: “Professionals” who “Grow Their Business,” which helps my readers identify with the types of people I serve. Then I offer the result they will get if they work with me — “More Calls with Targeted Buyers.”


The goal of your summary is to help influence that 57%. That means you need to nail it. Although there are many ways to build a powerful summary, here are some elements that all sales professionals need to consider:

  1. Open with a call-to-read. LinkedIn’s summary is condensed, so make sure that your first line attracts your readers and gets them to click on “Show more.”
  2. Talk about your buyers’ challenges. Make sure they resonate with the issues you highlight.
  3. Offer insights to get readers thinking differently about how they are doing things today. If you can offer value by giving them something they can implement even if they never have a conversation with you, then you are offering true insights. If the content only works by speaking with you, then it’s not an insight, it’s a pitch.

