Tips for Creating Effective Salesforce Reports and Dashboards

Salesforce Hub
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2023

If you are a business owner or manager, having the ability to generate effective reports and dashboards in Salesforce is invaluable. Taking the time to create meaningful reports and dashboards will enable you to make timely and effective decisions that can help drive success for your business.

The key to creating effective Salesforce reports and dashboards is to begin with a clear objective in mind.

Ask yourself: What actionable information am I looking to gain from this report or dashboard? Developing an objective will ensure your reports are focused on the right data and that you are asking the right questions.

When creating a report in Salesforce, be sure to consider the following:

Choose the correct report type: Whether you are looking to compare figures side by side or display information as a funnel chart, it is important that you use the right type of report. Salesforce offers customizable options for charting, summarizing and analyzing data.

Choose the right fields: Be sure to select the appropriate fields for the job. Consider whether you need to add criteria for separating the data to enable you to delve deeper into the data.

Use filters wisely: Filters allow reports to be tailored to fit the desired needs by limiting the data to a particular group or specific set of values. Filters are particularly useful for isolating information or segmenting data out into specific departments or regions.

Utilize summary and matrix formats: Once your data set has been filtered, using summary or matrix formats can enable you to create a one page view of the most important elements of the report. A summary report can also provide aggregated information quickly.

Consider dashboard components: Dashboards allow users to get real-time data insights at a glance. You can use components such as report summaries, tables and trend graphs to portray performance trends. Dashboards are particularly effective for boards, executives, sales reps and other groups that need to understand recent performance quickly.

At the end of the day, utilizing all the options Salesforce has to offer, along with your desired objectives, will help you create effective Salesforce reports and dashboards that provide actionable insights.



Salesforce Hub

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