How to Create a Killer Content Strategy: New Insights from Top Industry Experts

Salesforce for Marketers
3 min readJun 8, 2015

By Heike Young

If your company is like most, you’ve probably tried some type of content marketing. Maybe you’ve written a few blog posts or launched an infographic. Maybe you’ve even published some e-books, whitepapers, or videos on YouTube.

No matter where you are in your content marketing journey, however, you probably could — and want to — do more.

Salesforce’s new e-book, How to Create a Killer Content Strategy, goes in-depth on how to do just that. The e-book includes new tips and insights from four of content marketing’s biggest names:

  • Jason Miller, Senior Manager, Content Marketing at LinkedIn
  • Jay Baer, bestselling author of Youtility
  • Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs
  • Chris Penn, Vice President of Marketing Technology at SHIFT Communications

Each of these content experts shares advice on a different phase of building your content marketing strategy. You’ll learn how to create your content strategy from the ground up, thanks to helpful flowcharts guiding you each step of the way.

Check out this sneak peek at the e-book’s content strategy flowcharts, or check out the SlideShare.

Phase 1: Research and Plan. This section helps with questions like: what form should my content marketing pieces take? How do I time the launch of my best content projects? How can I better use data to inform my content creation process?

Phase 2: Create Assets. This section explains how content creators (from writers to videographers) should work together throughout the process. It also discusses the importance of outside editing and repurposing central content assets in smaller chunks.

Phase 3: Share and Measure. After all that work creating your content, how do you improve performance? It’s all in how you share and measure. This section looks at how to better communicate with your sales team, how to boost your content through paid means, and how to learn from your metrics for next time.

You can download How to Create a Killer Content Strategy now — and check out the companion e-book How to Measure Your Content Marketing for our complete content marketing roadmap.

BONUS: E-book contributors Ann Handley and Chris Penn will be sharing more of their expertise on a content marketing panel at Connections! Check them out in NYC on Tuesday, June 16 and don’t forget to register for Connections.

