Hey, Designers! Submit Your Session Idea for Dreamforce 2023

Experienced and first-time speakers are welcome; deadline to submit proposal is June 6.

Kate Hughes
Salesforce Designer
4 min readMay 10, 2023


#DreamDesigners, we want YOU to present at Dreamforce 2023! The epic celebration of customer success is coming to San Francisco from Sept. 12–14, and we need your voices. We want to share how all Trailblazers — admins, architects, designers, developers, and consultants — design solutions on the Salesforce platform that help users be successful.

This is the stage for designers to deliver and absorb engaging, actionable, and memorable presentations. Start thinking about what you’d like to share. Maybe it’s specialized skills (strategy, UX, roadmapping, prototyping, etc.), product shortcuts, or a designer’s perspective on generative AI. Topics should share expertise that upskill all roles and makes design accessible to everyone. Have something in mind that helps build skills, drives business success, and elevates careers?

SUBMIT YOUR IDEA to Dreamforce 2023. The deadline is June 6, 2023.

If you’re new to speaking or have never attended Dreamforce, don’t worry. As long as you’re passionate and knowledgeable, you’ll be fine. We love first-time speakers and will help you prepare for the Dreamforce stage. We also have a Public Speaking Skills module on Trailhead to get you started.

While there are a limited number of designer sessions, we encourage you to submit your proposal. We have a variety of other events and opportunities where we can share your expertise. And, as always, feel empowered to share your learnings and tips with the Trailblazer Community.

Submission process

The process can take less than 10 minutes with some preparation. Sign up and register in the Call for Participation portal. Remember to pay attention to Primary Audience category and select “Designer” from the checklist.

2 Session types

Breakout sessions
40 minutes
Location: dedicated rooms with seats
Value: Breakouts give speakers more time to dive deeper into a topic and interact with the audience.
Note: Breakout sessions take place at different locations across the Dreamforce campus. We do our best, however, to centralize the locations of Salesforce Designer sessions.

Theater sessions
20 minutes
Location: open theater areas where any attendee can pop in and out.
Value: Topics tend to have a more general appeal and, given the short duration, need to have clear and actionable tips.

What makes a good proposal?

Compelling Title (60 characters): The title should appeal to Salesforce Designers and anyone who’s interested in design. Be clear and specific about what you’ll cover. A strong title will help distinguish you from the sea of other topics at Dreamforce.

Engaging Abstract (500 character limit): Write a short paragraph to “sell” your presentation. Give people a sense of what they might miss out on if they don’t attend. Emphasize the WIIFM–What’s in it for me?–factor.

Dreamforce Value (1,000 character limit): Elaborate on your topic’s importance and why this session should be presented now.

Remember, this content eventually will be published in the Dreamforce Guide, so be thoughtful. If you have more than one proposal, complete and submit a form for each topic.

Need some inspiration?

Here are a few sample prompts that can help you brainstorm ideas and give you an idea topics that we’re looking for.

  • How have you used the Salesforce platform to design solutions that help your users be more successful? Case studies on your big wins can inspire others looking to do the same.
  • What are you passionate about? This could be about a concept, feature, or solution you love. It could be about career advancement, an unexpected way of thinking, or the benefits of design-led product development. If you have energy around your topic, your audience will catch your vibe.
  • What lessons have you learned? Sharing best practices can help others work better and more efficiently.
  • Do you have experience with new features or recently released products? Often, Salesforce Designers don’t get the chance to be early adopters of technology on the platform and you may be in a position to give them unique insight.
  • Do you have a specific solution that might apply to multiple use cases? Help people expand how they use tools and solutions in their designs.

What to expect

Our core team will review your proposal and we’ll select a range of presentations that offer something for Salesforce Designers of all types and experience levels. If you have questions, please visit the call for proposals portal, where you’ll find contact info for the CFP team and the FAQ section. We look forward to receiving your proposals!

Submit your proposal today!

Salesforce Design is dedicated to elevating design and advocating for its power to create trusted relationships with users, customers, partners, and the community. We share knowledge and best practices that build social and business value. Join our Design Trailblazers community or become a certified UX designer or certified strategy designer.

