Sandbox Dataset Optimization for Salesforce Developers and Admins

Andy Hitchings
Salesforce Summaries
4 min readJun 22, 2018 is a publication that delivers the key insights from Salesforce YouTube videos. We aim to be the of Salesforce tutorial videos. These publications will save you time as you keep up to date with the latest technological changes within the Salesforce ecosystem.


In this presentation, you will learn more about the challenges when it comes to managing sandboxes and how the OwnBackup solution from the Salesforce AppExchange can help.

Details: ‘Sandbox Dataset Optimization for Salesforce Developers and Admins

Presenter: Mat Kennedy

Details: 15 minutes

Key Terms: Sandboxes, Development and deployment process

  1. @0.35 — Sandboxes are critical for developers and admins as you should test changes first. Full copy sandboxes can be expensive, and so at least, it’s good to leverage developer sandboxes.
  2. @1.15 — OwnBackup app is one of the top rated backup providers on the Salesforce AppExchange.
  3. @2.00 — There are a number of challenges when it comes to managing sandboxes. 52% of top companies release Salesforce changes at least once per month. To do these changes properly, you want to leverage sandboxes and run tests before the changes go into Production.
  4. @2.45–43% of app developers spend almost 25% of their time debugging production app errors. This is hugely costly and detrimental.

5. @3.30 — The three main benefits that leveraging sandboxes bring are that they enable you to build new features safely, enable you to test fully and also offers you a safe environment to do comprehensive testing.

6. @4.20 — There are 5 main challenges when it comes to seeding a sandbox.

7. @4.40 — The first challenge is that it is very expensive to maintain partial or full copy sandboxes, and so it is imperative to get the most business value out of sandboxes. And so how can you ensure that you are getting the most value out of your sandboxes?

8. @5.00 — The second challenge is that it is hard to test properly with incomplete data. So moving relevant data sub-sets to the relevant sandboxes can be time consuming. One of the reasons why this is so time consuming is that if you need a particular sub-set of data, you cannot specify this as an option when refreshing from production (for example, show me all accounts where the owner is based in San Francisco).

9. @7.30 — Another challenge is how you can mask confidential data, so that you have pure test data for an external developer/admin.

10. @8:00 — Another challenge is that it can take a significant amount of time for your sandboxes to refresh once you initiate them to be refreshed. Also, once you move data from Production to sandbox, you don’t want that data to fire off triggers and workflows etc.

11. @9.15 — Another challenge is that cross-org comparisons are complex and time consuming. Although one can do a meta-data comparison with Eclipse, this is simplified greatly with OwnBackup. If a developer pushes a change set to a another sandbox, that could detrimentally impact that environment if the meta-data between the two sandboxes is not consistent.

12. @10.20 — With OwnBackup, a much improved Sandbox seeding functionality is offered; which can save significant amounts of money in the mid-near term due to increased developer productivity.

13. @13.00 — Everything that OwnBackup do is through the Salesforce API and because scratch orgs aren’t available through this, the tool doesn’t support scratch orgs yet.

