Simplify Lightning Component Development with Lightning Data Service

Andy Hitchings
Salesforce Summaries
7 min readFeb 28, 2018

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Lightning is a new development paradigm for Salesforce that depends heavily on JavaScript. Since its release, the benefits of adopting Lightning and building bespoke, mobile friendly Lightning components have been made clear. However, one downside was that a lot of duplicitous JavaScript and Apex code was required for fairly simple Lightning components because there was no Lightning equivalent of the standardController.

However, Lighting Data Service solves that problem as it is in effect, the Lighting version of the standard controller. There is no need to write Apex, SOQL statements or JavaScript methods to update records now.

Details: ‘Simplify Lightning Component Development with Lightning Data Service

Presenter: Marcus Torres and Carolyn Grabhill

Details: 33 minutes

Key Terms: Lightning Data Service, force:recordData

  1. @1.50 — There are many considerations for custom Lightning components. And there are many considerations that are related to data, such as SOQL, field level security and record updates etc. However, you don’t need to consider those when using the Lightning Data Service.

2. @3.05 — Every single component keeps a copy of its own record data. The components essentially ask the Salesforce server via the client side controller for some data, which is actioned by SOQL in the server side controller. So there are many steps involved to get the data.

3. @4.20 — The Lightning Data Service is effectively the standard controller for Lightning.

So instead of n number of Lightning components all keeping their own copy of the data, they all essentially have a pointer to a shared instance, so it’s effectively a shared cache.

4. @5.25 — Because it’s a pointer, auto-notifications on record changes are possible. Also, offline access for Salesforce1 is possible with the Lightning Data Service (LDS). In fact, offline access for Salesforce1 is powered by LDS.

5. @6.00 — The data flow looks like this, with LDS:

Your Lightning components will use <force:recorddata> to leverage LDS. LDS connects back and forth with Salesforce.

6. @6.40 — The status of LDS as of the time of the presentation (July, 2017) was:

7. @7.30 — <force:recorddata> is the flagship component of LDS.

8. @7.50 — You will need to give the recorddata component an aura id, so that it can be referenced in JavaScript.

You will also need to pass in the recordId, and the fields that you want to load. This approach is fine but if you like, you can pass in a layoutType instead of passing in hard-coded field values. layoutType = FULL] is all the fields defined on the page layout editor and compact is all the fields in the highlights panel at the top of pages in LEX (Lightning Experience). Or you can pass in both, and you would get the super set.

targetFields should be used if you want just the field API names whereas targetRecord is a JSON response with API names, field values, record type Ids etc. If you are using a lot of JavaScript logic, then you’ll want to use targetRecord.

targetError is where any error response will be loaded, which can then be referenced in your Lightning page.

Lastly, you need to give a mode. This will be ‘VIEW’ or ‘EDIT’. This controls whether LDS can automatically re-render data for you.

9. @11.25 — In the demo coming up now, there are three different Lightning components which leverage LDS to show you the power of this functionality. None of them use Apex controllers.

10. @11.50 — In this component, the Account Temperature icon is being pulled from the ‘Rating’ field on the record. This using LDS and has no Apex or JavaScript controller or JavaScript handlers.

11. @12.05 — If the ‘Rating’ changes from ‘Hot’ to ‘Cold’, then the icon updates automatically:

12. @12.30 — This component references the force:hasRecordId interface:

This interface will give the component the record Id attribute of the record being viewed. That record Id attribute can be passed to the <force:recorddata> component. This way, no SOQL is required to get the Id of the record being viewed.

Since the mode of this component is ‘VIEW’, if any change to the record is mine whilst we are viewing it, then LDS will auto-render it again.

13. @13.55 — Dynamic styling is being automatically applied to show different icons depending on the value of the ‘Rating’ field. Line 19 says ‘if the record rating is ‘Hot’, then use the ‘icon-hot’ CSS styling else if the record rating is ‘Warm’, then use the ‘icon-warm’ CSS class. No additional JavaScript is required for this — it’s all Lightning expressions.

14. @15.00 — The use case in this example is that a custom object has been built which contains some fields of different data types. The salesperson is on the phone to the potential customer and is negotiating on the price and the discount. If the salesperson inputs some data into the ‘Discount Scratchpad’ component, then the commission that the salesperson would receive is displayed automatically with no re-rendering of the page (because the calculation is completed on the client).

15. @16.00 — In the below screenshot, you can see that the ‘Compute Discount’ button has been selected and so the commission value has been displayed ($1,400 commission from a $30,000 sale).

16. @16.10 — The code is below:

As per line 1, for all components that implement LDS, it implements force:hasRecordId. This is used to get the recordId of the currently viewed record (as per line 7) because you want to pre-populate the component with some of those values. As per line 6, the aura:id has to be defined because this component will need to be referenced in JavaScript this time because the record will be saved and saving has to happen with JavaScript.

As per line 8, the layoutType is ‘FULL’ to get all the fields and the mode type (line 9) is ‘EDIT’. Because the mode type is ‘EDIT’, if something changes on the component, then this won’t result in automatic re-rendering of the component that was the case in the previous component (the icon display cmp). However, you may still want to take some action when data changes. This can be handled using an event. As per line 10, when the record has been updated, run the {!c.resetDiscountForm} function. This is a client side controller (as per the ‘c’). Lastly, as per line 11, once the record has been loaded, it’ll be pushed into the targetFields attribute.

Official documentation on the force:recordData component can be found here.

17. @27.40 — The roadmap is:

Bulk support will allow you to provide a list view Id and LDS will be able to fetch all the data from that.

