Sales Automation: 210+ Tools to Turbocharge Your Sales Process

Sales Hacker
Sales Hacker
Published in
11 min readJul 3, 2018

We’ve been compiling this sales automation tools list for a while, trying to figure out the best way to get the information out there.

There are a number of existing resources available on sales automation, but they don’t offer use cases and examples of how to put the tools to action. So our team tried to fill the gap to help you build or enhance your own sales stack.

Here goes our effort to curate the ultimate list of sales automation tools!

What Is Sales Automation?

Sales automation tools are software-based solutions that help you perform many sales tasks faster, easier, and more efficiently.

As far as I know, these solutions initially focused on tedious or redundant tasks — from sales prospecting to contract signing.

With the increasing use of artificial intelligence, data analytics, and machine learning to drive many solutions, sales automation capabilities have also become more targeted.

Why Do You Need Sales Automation?

For organizations that need to sell something, sales automation tools have become nearly as indispensable as calendars and phones. Based on experience, businesses would find it painfully difficult to keep competition at bay and reduce process inefficiencies.

Left to its own, a sales force will eventually become too bloated, unwieldy, and counterproductive if everyone on the team reverts to performing tedious tasks manually.

There’s simply no escaping it. To thrive in the new economy, you need sales-enabling technologies that optimize your existing tools, talent, and teamwork.

Pros and Cons of Using Sales Automation

Among other things, sales automation enables reps on the floor to get deeper insight about prospects, and managers to create strategic visualizations to improve overall sales team performance. Sales organizations now turn to different automation software to infuse new prospects into the pipeline, prioritize lead queues, and enhance the buyer journey.

Not everything in the world of selling should be automated

Customers are people and they expect to be treated like humans — by humans on the other side of the selling dynamic. If they feel being tracked and treated like a mere statistic by a computer program, customers will lose interest.

To win their game, sellers need to orchestrate excellent customer experiences and trigger the right emotional responses.

While sophisticated chatbots can help marketers and sellers engage retail consumers, B2B buyers still demand meaningful relationships with expert human consultants.

Technology is only as good as the human using it

Unless a sales rep knows her way around the tools she uses, the likelihood of bungling and turning prospects away is all too real. An automated email campaign that is poorly planned can easily exceed the peskiness of spam, for example.

And once you allow your brand to be tainted with a reputation as a spammer, you are bringing your business closer to irrelevance.

Bottom line: for your business to reap the full rewards of sales automation, you’ll need a roster of competent, well-trained, and tech-savvy sales practitioners on the team.

Here’s Our Master List of Sales Automation Tools to:

  1. Scrape websites to find a certain type or subset of customers
  2. Build a lead list fast
  3. Get a bunch of prospect email addresses and other contact info
  4. Find the right targets
  5. Improve prospecting workflow and outcome
  6. Power up your outbound and inbound email campaigns
  7. Outsource the sales development process
  8. Develop sales people through training
  9. Acquire CRM capabilities for less
  10. Match CRM for your business scale and model
  11. Generate sales forecasts more easily
  12. Enhance your marketing efforts
  13. Facilitate data integration
  14. Integrate services with Salesforce
  15. Run internal email drip campaigns
  16. Improve demos and conferencing
  17. Manage contracts
  18. Conduct mobile research
  19. Conduct social research
  20. Implement account-based selling/marketing
  21. Analyze, manage, and improve sales performance
  22. Perform data analysis
  23. Improve search engine optimization (SEO) efforts
  24. Gather and weaponize business intelligence
  25. Create, share, and manage content
  26. Enhance daily productivity

Web Scraping

Web scraping can be a salesperson’s best friend. A few years ago, this would mean they’d need to be pretty technical. To learn about Python and APIs — almost foreign to them — is a big task. Fortunately, even non-technical salespeople can easily scrape sites these days using tools such as and Kimono.

Top Products

  2. Portia
  3. Kimono
  4. ParseHub

Lead List Building

I’m not a big fan of paying for lists. The two main reasons are 1) it’s not a good way to spend money when you’re a startup and 2) the bounce rate is ridiculously high.

Top Products

  1. ZenProspect
  2. SellHack
  3. Toofr
  4. StackLead

Email Databases

To reiterate, I’m not a big believer in buying email lists but these are the top companies in the space for directly purchasing on a per email basis. I believe there is value here in the speed it would take you to get a list built using these products. I just don’t believe in the accuracy or price tag associated with it, especially for cash-strapped startups and lean organizations.

Top Products

  1. Zoominfo
  3. LimeLeads
  4. DiscoverOrg
  5. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Finding the Right Targets

When finding the right customers, you want to look for few defining factors right off the bat. You should find companies that can afford your product, companies that are using similar products, or companies similar to your current client base.

That’s an easy start, AKA your Low Hanging Fruit. After you can dive in, decide which point persons based on specific corporate roles/positions you’d like to start the conversation with. These products can help you with the first part.

Top Products

  1. Datanyze
  2. MixRank
  3. Mintigo

Prospecting Workflow and Outcome

One of the telltale signs of a productive sales team is a full and flowing sales pipeline. While it sounds simple, keeping a healthy pipeline is not always so easy for many business organizations. Not all prospects are worth the effort, for example. And bringing every qualified lead from one phase of the sales cycle to the next does not always turn out as planned.

To help your team streamline, quicken, and generate as much value as you can from your sales process, you should consider adopting tools and technologies that match your business model, goals, and sales framework/methodology.

Top Products

  1. Accent Accelerate
  2. Deal Sheet
  3. Fileboard
  4. Live Hive
  5. Inside Sales
  6. Cognism
  7. DataFox
  8. DealSignal
  9. KickFire
  10. Lead411
  11. LeadFeeder
  12. LeadFuze
  13. LeadGenius
  14. LeadIQ
  15. Growbots
  16. GrowLabs
  17. LeanData
  18. SalesExec
  19. Conversica
  20. Sudo
  21. Troops
  22. Reachable

Outbound, Inbound, and General Email Management

This might be the top sales automation gem in this entire post. If you’re not one of those lucky companies that can expect to draw hundreds of inbound leads on a consistent basis, then you probably need to get things started by going on the attack.

Meaning, you need an outbound sales strategy. I’d absolutely recommend Aaron Ross’ book Predictable Revenue, which details how he built outbound sales at Salesforce.

Top Products

  1. MixRank
  2. SalesLoft
  4. ToutApp
  5. Yesware
  6. HubSpot Sales
  7. Reply
  8. SenderGen
  9. Sigstr
  10. ZynBit
  11. Cirrus Insight
  12. FullContact
  13. GetResponse
  14. Rapportive

Outsourcing the Sales Development Process

Ah my favorite part. Everything above just told you which software to use to automate most of the lead gen and prospecting process. Now imagine if you could train someone to do it for you for you!

Finding and contracting freelance SDRs is easier than ever. With the advancements in remote working technologies, you can outsource the SD process quickly and build long-term business relationships easily.

Top Products

  1. TaskUs
  2. Upwork
  3. Fiverr

Sales Training Solutions

Two of the best education portals for salespeople are JBarrows Training and Saleshood. John Barrows trains sales reps at Salesforce, Box, LinkedIn, Marketo, Zendesk and more of the world’s biggest B2B SaaS companies.

Meanwhile, Elay Cohen (the former SVP of Sales Productivity at Salesforce) launched Saleshood to share his customer engagement secrets to the masses. Factor 8 is another notable sales training provider that can help keep your team on full throttle.

Top Products

  1. JBarrows Training
  2. SalesHood
  3. Sales Hacker
  4. AlwaysHired
  5. Betts Recruiting
  6. Factor 8
  7. HireVue
  8. LearnCore

Startup CRMs

Not everyone can afford Salesforce right out of the gate. While it’s definitely the most scalable solution out there, smaller companies can depend on the following CRMs to do the job nearly as well.

Depending on your deals and the size of your team, one of these products might be better for you than the others. With all being said, CRM systems can boost your sales automation process significantly.

Top Products

  1. PipelineDeals
  2. Streak
  3. Pipedrive
  5. SalesforceIQ (RelateIQ)
  6. Zoho
  7. Base
  8. Agile CRM
  9. Contactually
  10. Infusionsoft
  11. Insightly
  12. ProsperWorks
  13. Apptivo

CRMs in General

If you’ve been running a mid-size to enterprise-scale organization for a while and would like to update your sales team’s CRM, then there is a wide range of options available.

Top Products

  1. Pipeliner
  2. Freshsales
  3. Membrain
  4. Salesforce
  5. Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  6. NetSuite

Sales Forecasting

Having a general idea of your revenue trend is important for strategy formulation and tactical fine-tuning. Your ability to map sales performance over the short term also enables you to re-allocate scarce resources to where they will be needed most. That is where sales forecasting solutions come quite handy.

Top Products

  1. ProsperWorks
  2. InsightSquared
  3. Aviso Insight
  4. DataHug

Marketing Automation

Without sales, marketing is empty. Without marketing, sales is dead. That pretty much explains why there’s a need to align sales and marketing. And that is why many companies are also beefing up on marketing automations to improve campaign efficiencies.

Top Products

  1. LeadFuze
  2. Marketo
  3. HubSpot
  4. SalesWings
  5. Pardot

Enterprise/Personal Data Integration

These days, you can’t afford to rely solely on your CRM to stay above the competition and keep your brand ahead of the curve. You’ll always need supporting technologies to extend the capabilities of your tool set.

However, when salespeople mention “sales stack,” they definitely mean a virtual stack comprising of different technologies. The problem is, the sales tech landscape has products from different vendors — and these products don’t necessarily get along well with each other.

Top Products

  1. Zapier
  2. IFTTT
  3. Bedrock Data
  4. Talend
  5. Informatica

Salesforce Integrations

Salesforce remains the standard-setting product when it comes to customer relationship management. Having dominated the market for more than a decade, this pioneering CRM solution naturally creates ripples of third-party integration development around it.

Top Products

  2. Skyvia
  3. Jitterbit
  4. Pattern
  5. Salesvue
  6. MapAnything
  7. Velocify Pulse

Internal Drip Campaigns

Executing an email drip campaign is among the most potent methods in B2B lead nurturing and inbound marketing. Basically, a drip campaign is an automated sequence of pre-crafted, personalized, and contextualized email messages that are sent to a select group of recipients over a certain period. The purpose is to assess and guide recipient behavior towards a specific action such as a sign up or a purchase.

Top Products

  2. AWeber
  3. MailChimp
  4. Drip
  5. Pardot


Presenting, video conferencing, and product demos are crucial elements of the sales process especially in the B2B sector. They are also important channels for internal communication, collaboration, and training.

Top Products

  2. GoToMeeting
  3. Skype
  4. DemoChimp/Consensus
  5. Gong
  6. Jiminny
  7. NewVoiceMedia
  8. Refract
  9. VanillaSoft
  10. Nextiva
  11. ExecVision
  12. ConnectAndSell
  13. FrontSpin


You’ve done the tough tasks of finding prospects, driving positive conversations, and orchestrating meaningful customer experiences. Your prospect has finally given the nod.

Well and good, but you’re not off the hook yet. You still need to generate legally binding agreements, personalize service terms, get customers to sign up for the service, and manage contracts moving forward.

Top Products

  1. Concord
  2. Docusign
  3. Adobe Sign
  4. GetAccept
  5. HelloSign
  6. Apptus
  7. Octiv
  8. Qvidian
  9. SpringCM

Mobile Research

The maturing mobile environment has become a welcoming place not only to showcase your products but also to perform many of your tasks as a sales professional.

Heeding the demand, a number of CRMs such as Salesforce, Pipedrive, and Zoho have already deployed robust mobile versions. Sales enablement software and marketing automation have wisely joined the bandwagon. Meanwhile, buyers can do their product research, shopping, and purchases directly from their mobile devices. In fact, 93% of customers who use mobile for product research end up buying something.

Top Products

  1. Pocket
  2. Evernote Scannable
  3. Slack
  4. Skype Mobile

Social Research

Like mobile, social media has become pervasive and remarkably influential. Any sales organization that lack a social selling strategy is bound to play second fiddle to those who do.

Top Products

  1. CircleBack
  3. HootSuite
  4. Sprout Social

Account-Based Sales and Marketing

With customers becoming the center of business, many vendors in the B2B space have adopted account-based selling as their default sales framework. If you are a player in this sector, there are many account-based solutions that can take your process and performance to new highs.

Top Products

  1. Engagio
  2. PersistIQ
  3. PFL
  4. Terminus
  5. Revegy
  6. Smart Rooms (Journey Sales)

Individual/Team Performance Management

Even the finest sales tools in the world won’t take you very far unless the talent using them are also world-class. Successful sales organizations know they need to consistently assess, train, and develop the people behind their brand.

And because corporate survival and growth depend primarily on sales, technology solutions that aim to drive focus and high performance among sales professionals abound.

Top Products

  1. Hoopla
  2. Veelo
  3. Ambition
  4. Altify
  5. LevelEleven
  6. ThinkSmartOne
  7. MindTickle
  8. PointForward
  9. Qstream
  10. CallidusCloud Commissions
  11. Xactly

Data Analytics

The most valuable digital brands in the world (Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.) use data to dominate the market. Data has become crucial to success that many businesses now employ Chief Data Officers.

Not surprisingly, sales organizations that lack strong data infrastructures fare poorly compared to their competitors who leverage analytics in their sales process.

Here are some tools that can help your team harness the game-changing benefits of data.

Top Products

  1. TrustSphere
  2. 6sense
  3. Lionboard Analytics
  4. RingLead
  5. TopOPPS
  6. Alinean
  7. Bombora
  8. Clari
  9. Domo
  10. Geckoboard
  11. Sisense
  12. SpringML
  13. Tableau

Search Engine Optimization

The web is a battleground and only digital marketers who are well versed in the inner workings of SEO will ultimately claim victory in the field. A good percentage of sales now occur online and your brand will lose competitiveness if it lacks an aggressive SEO (search engine optimization) strategy.

Related: The Express Guide to Keyword Research for Salespeople

Some of the most useful SEO tools are in this list. If you are looking for powerful SEO platforms with plenty of features, Moz Pro, Ahrefs, and SEMrush are some of the most widely used.

Top Products

  1. Moz Pro
  2. Ahrefs
  3. SEMrush
  5. Screaming Frog SEO Spider
  6. Searchmetrics
  7. BuzzSumo
  8. SimilarWeb
  9. SpyFu
  10. Yoast

Business and Market Intelligence

In the digital economy, business success takes a lot more than just knowing the terrain. It entails having the right information about the right prospects at the right time. Business intelligence has become indispensable that you need at least one service dedicated to gathering relevant intel.

Top Products

  1. Artesian
  2. D&B Hoover’s
  3. Emissary
  4. Mattermark
  5. EverString
  6. FirstRain

Content Creation, Sharing, and Management

Even in the universe of selling, content remains king. Your message and how you express it matter. Whether the message aims to engage customers, train sales rep, or motivate internal teams, outcomes ultimately rely on the quality and relevance of content.

But the impact of messaging doesn’t end there. How you create, share, and manage content also affect your efficiency and productivity as a team.

Top Products

  1. BrainShark
  2. Canva
  3. Prezi
  4. Google Slides
  5. Videolicious
  6. Vidyard
  7. Bigtincan
  8. Docurated
  9. Whut
  10. DemoChimp (Consensus)
  11. ClearSlide
  12. Knowledge Tree
  13. Highspot
  14. Infor Sales Portal
  15. Allbound
  16. PandaDoc
  17. Conga
  18. DocSend
  19. Showpad
  20. Dooly
  21. Guru
  22. SAVO
  23. Folloze
  24. RO Innovation

Daily Use

Capping this list are personal productivity tools that can either automate or otherwise improve your performance or workflow on a daily basis.

Top Products

  1. Pocket
  2. OneTab
  3. Evernote
  4. Zapier
  5. Slack
  6. Hull
  7. Google Trends

Sales Automation for Reps

Sales Reps perform many tasks and activities across the sales process. These include prospecting, lead nurturing, and customer engagement. Hence, automations that enhance lead generation, sales call performance, and sales email engagement would greatly extend the capabilities of sales reps.

Top Picks

  2. LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  4. GoToMeeting
  6. HubSpot Sales
  7. Zapier

Sales Automation for Managers

Sales managers need to exercise critical, strategic, and analytical thinking while performing many of their functions. Tasks that are often associated with sales leaders include reports generation, presenting, metrics analysis, etc. They also need to do some talent hiring/outsourcing/training every now and then.

The following automations, technologies, and solutions can help sales leaders perform their jobs better.

Top Picks

  1. JBarrows Training
  2. BrainShark
  3. Upwork
  4. Prezi
  5. GoToMeeting
  6. Aviso Insight
  7. DataHug
  8. SalesExec

Final Thoughts

Salesforce recently published its widely anticipated State of Sales Report for 2018 and the findings are alarming. With competition getting tougher and customer expectations on the rise, nearly 60% of sales reps expect to miss quota this year.

As market challenges render the job of sellers harder than it already is, smart salespeople can no longer afford to go out on the field empty-handed. They’ll need every help they can get. If you’re serious about your sales performance, you’d want to get the best automations solutions on your side.

The range of options can be mind-boggling but we’ve trimmed the shelf to help you make a decision faster and easier. So choose any of the tools I’ve cited that are relevant to your role, goals, and situation. Now is the time to up your gameplay.

Originally published at Sales Hacker.



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