27 Sales Follow up Email Templates To Use In Different Sales Situations

Ashok K Kammara
Salespresso (by Klenty)
1 min readFeb 14, 2019

“80% of the deals close after 5 follow-ups”

You’ve probably heard that statement more times than you can count.

Everybody in sales knows that fortune lies in the follow-ups.

But what you actually want to know is, how exactly you should follow up effectively, to breathe life into deals that haven’t been progressing like how you’d like them to.

What should your follow up contain when the prospects don’t respond to your previous emails?

How do you follow up after getting off a sales demo/call?

How should your follow up be look like if you were asked circle back after a certain time?

This post covers how should you craft effective sales follow up email templates to prospects in 9 such sales scenarios (along with 27 sample sales follow up templates).




Ashok K Kammara
Salespresso (by Klenty)

Head of Growth & Marketing @ Klenty | B2B Lead Generation Software