8 Copywriting Secrets to Write Compelling Sales Emails

Ashok K Kammara
Salespresso (by Klenty)
1 min readMar 26, 2019

It is the 1950’s and the memories of WWII is still fresh in America.

At this time, a German car manufacturer comes up to you and asks to market their latest model.

We are not talking about any ordinary car — this car is slow, ugly and named after a bug!

This was the unenviable task at hand for the ad agency, Doyle Dane Bernbach(DDB)

And they came up with two words: that would go on to revolutionize the car industry forever:

Think Small.

The two words would go on to revolutionize the car industry forever, making ‘the Beatle’ a crowd favorite in the process.

That is the power of copywriting.

As sales reps, we find ourselves in the situation of DDB, every single day where we have to pull off the spectacular; to make prospects open, read and respond to our sales emails.

So how can we pull off a rabbit out of the hat?

The very same copywriting techniques come to our aide.

In this post, we share 8 copywriting secrets that will redefine the way you look at and write sales emails.




Ashok K Kammara
Salespresso (by Klenty)

Head of Growth & Marketing @ Klenty | B2B Lead Generation Software