How to Write a Cold Email That Really Works: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ashok K Kammara
Salespresso (by Klenty)
1 min readJan 16, 2019

What does the perfect cold email look like?

It is that which takes your prospects on a ‘Journey’.

Starting from Curiosity (whose email is this in my inbox?) moves to Interest (this mail makes sense and this person can help me) and ends with an Action (what do I need to do now?).

And there are several components at your disposal to achieve this: the from tab, the subject line, the email content, and even the email signature.

Each of these components has a unique role to play in creating a perfect cold email.

This step-by-step guide can help you how to make every single component effective and craft a cold email really work with your prospects.



Ashok K Kammara
Salespresso (by Klenty)

Head of Growth & Marketing @ Klenty | B2B Lead Generation Software