15 Linkedin Lead Generation Strategies to Gain to 2X Leads!

Athira Unnikrishnan
Published in
11 min readApr 16, 2021

Did you know? Of all leads generated from social media, 80% is Linkedin’s contribution.

When it comes to generating leads, LinkedIn is definitely the best bet and businesses ought to use it to their advantage.

Keeping that in mind, we’ve researched and found out 15 of the best Linkedin lead generation strategies to get maximum results.

15 Linkedin Lead Generation Strategies that Actually bring Results

1. Optimize your Professional Profile

LinkedIn is one platform that is filled with professionals trying to showcase their accomplishments and their influence.

Now, to grab the attention of your potential leads, you will have to optimize your profile by filling it out with certifications and achievements and make it search-friendly.

Here’s how you can get started with:

  • An approachable and high-resolution headshot of yourself
  • Write a clear-cut definition of your company role and your area of expertise
  • A high-definition background image that showcases what your company stands for
  • The “About” section is one to be not messed around with, so be straight to the point about what you are and the services you offer. This is the first section people are going to visit in your profile to know about you.
  • Lastly, do not be afraid to ask your colleagues and friends to put in a word or two about you in the ‘Recommendation’ section. This will give an impression to your potential leads that you are legit and boostlead generation.

Bonus Tip: Experiment with keywords. While creating or updating your ‘title’ or ‘about’ section of your profile, make sure to add a keyword that pertains to what your target audience might search. So, do conduct quick keyword research before you update your profile.

2. Make your Company Page Cater ‘FOR’ your Audience

If you want to generate leads and promote conversion, then a typical company page with basic information won’t work. You have to optimize it so that it focuses on the audience rather than the achievements of the company. Here’s how you can start:

  • Interesting header image: It might not seem so, but a header image is the first point of piquing user interest. The header image should contain something catchy, like a compelling tagline that promises your target audience of a solid solution. It should be able to grab the attention of your audience and convince them to probe into your business solutions.
Hubspot is a good example of an interesting header image for a company page.
  • Company Description: This is where many companies go wrong. Most of the company descriptions just talk about when they were formed, how they grew, and how many offices they currently have. Now, that is not going to help in generating leads from Linkedin. The description should talk about what the company offers to its clients, what pain points they can solve etc. In short, the description should act as an answer for what your audience came for.
  • Regular Updates: Keep posting regular clickable updates that directly target your audience. This way you can increase audience engagement and click-through rates.
  • Create a Showcase Page: LinkedIn itself admits to creating a showcase page for companies to help them generate more leads. A showcase page can help you provide information that caters to a segment of your customers. You get a larger header image and more areas to link back to your company website. So, leverage it in the right way. Here are some tips to do so:
  1. The content should be relevant and focused on conversion.
  2. Keep a short name for the page, or else it can get trimmed in the display sidebar.
  3. The name of your showcase page should be something that your audience can relate to.

3. Publish content that drives traffic

LinkedIn has become an active platform for professionals to share their thoughts and drive traffic to their websites. Therefore you need to be an active participant to engage more people.

  • Being an active participant means coming up with new content and engage in conversations & activities with other fellow users.
  • Learn to identify the timings where the user engagement is at its peak so that you can post your content during high-engagement hours.
  • Use hashtags that are related to your content to garner attention for your posts. You can also tag people or entities.

4. Engage in Linkedin Group Discussion and Increase followers

Aiming to score connections is key to increasing your overall value. Always remember to showcase yourself as an active participant on the platform.

Join groups and communities of your niche. You can share impactful posts in the group, be involved in healthy group discussions, build great relationships, and get in touch with many prospects.

Note: Before sharing your content or posting anything in the group, make sure to review the group rules to avoid any miscommunication.

5. Use Linkedin’s Advanced Search

One of the prime advantages of LinkedIn is the structured format.

  • You don’t need to combine multiple queries to search. You can simply specify query terms related to your field and it will match anyone who has the specific keyword in their resume, profile, or even ex-job.
  • You can further filter it by specifying “current position” in the checkbox to give you a more refined search that limits its search results to people who only work in the specific company at the moment.
  • You also can access advanced search by clicking on the link near the search bar of the LinkedIn website.
  • A simple click on “refine search” will help you find many of the advanced search tools.

6. Identify the right people to connect with

One of the best ways to connect with other people of the same niche as yours is by joining LinkedIn groups. It is one of the best ways to build connections in your respective industry. You can find experts of your niche in your group and garner the best strategies to help you propel your business to the next level.

So, what’s next? Well, once you get an overall feel for managing a LinkedIn group and making the most out of it, you can then start your own LinkedIn group. Voila!

Being an owner of an elite and successful LinkedIn group is a sure-shot way to generate leads and connect with the right people. With the connections you built in the groups you joined in, you can bring them all in, in your very own group.

7. Run a Linkedin Lead Generation Ad

Most marketers run a paid promotion on LinkedIn, as LinkedIn ads are made with lead generation as the prime focus. Marketers can easily target specific parameters like the industry, size of the company, etc, and connect with professionals based on them.

Most of the LinkedIn lead generation advertisements are based upon downloadable reports and other forms of lead magnets. But, video is probably the most popular type of lead magnet on LinkedIn. Once you are successful in acquiring quality leads and building a good relationship with them, running ads will be a beneficiary for your business, over time.

8. Identify the best-performing content through Linkedin Analytics

Analyzing your data is a compulsory thing to do, to evaluate your LinkedIn lead generation strategies. Finding out which type of content and posts are going to help you to gain the most traction and which type of posts gain you more clicks to your landing pages are essential for you, so that you can work on the type of content you can put out.

Making use of a social media analytics tool is going to help you get there. An analytics tool is going to help you figure out what’s working and what needs to be done to increase traction. A complete metric of the performance of your content and posts is brought in by these tools.

9. Try the Good Old Personalized Outreach Strategy

LinkedIn is one platform where everyone is trying to get more leads and attention from their potential customers. And, spamming the platform with repetitive automated content is not going to cut it for you. As professionals, people are going to ignore the cold messages being sent to them and not going to really bother about them.

So, to build connections and relationships, you must ideally send personalized outreach messages to your potential leads to attract them and build a relationship with them.

You could even mention them in your blogs, or give a little shout-out in your posts when a chance strikes. These steps are going to contribute a lot to your Linkedin lead generation strategies.

10. Use Chrome Extensions to enrich Data

You may be having the data about a certain prospect’s name and the company they work for but might need their email address to get in contact with them, this is where an email finder chrome extension can help you.

A simple chrome extension will get the job done in no time. The best part is that you can do all of this within your chrome browser.

SalesQl, Snov.io, Hunter, etc. are some chrome extensions that can help you enrich and append your data. All of these are great, but when it comes to LinkedIn lead generation, SalesQL is probably the most efficient.

11. Use LinkedIn or Other Lead Gen Forms

Using LinkedIn for lead generation and capturing leads is ideal as you can put up ads on LinkedIn and you can gain the lead’s contact information without even having to engage in an interaction with them.

All they have to do is, allow access to their name, email, number, etc. which are all within the LinkedIn platform. Once you get the necessary contact details, you follow up directly with them.

12. Leverage 1st Connections for Intros to 2nd & 3rd Connections

One of the most common rookie mistakes is reaching out to every cold lead and sounding desperate. Acquire leads via your 1st connections. What you can do is filter your 1st connections based on different aspects like industry, profit, non-profit, or any other suitable criteria.

Make sure it’s a person who understands what you stand for and can actually contribute something to it. Upon filtering, approach them for intros to 2nd and 3rd connections. This way you can reach more leads without seeming to be pushy. Best believe, this process is going to put you in the right place to get the right leads in no time.

13. Review Who Is Looking at Your Profile

This is more valuable than you think, especially if you are a paid user since the free version gives you the provision only for a limited period . So, review the list of people going through your profile, analyze them and if you believe someone to be a potential lead, get to work.

14. Strive to Build Relationships

Instead of sending out cold emails and automated messages, try to build quality relationships with your potential leads and the people of your niche. Make it look like a warm and professional relationship. This can be done by:

  • Joining groups of your same niche.
  • Engaging in conversations via your posts and on other posts as well.
  • Share content, mention the author in your blogs, tag them and just maintain a healthy relationship in general.

15. Value-driven lead generation

Publish content that can potentially add value to the prospect. The way you approach a prospect is a genesis of finding your best possible lead. So, make value-driven content a part of your Linkedin lead generation strategy to attract the people of your same niche.

Talk, interact and connect with people of your same domain to learn their interests to meet their expectations. Now that you know your audience, you can put out content that can draw in more traffic.

Benefits of Linkedin Lead Generation

1. Lets you connect with Influential professionals — LinkedIn is one of the most powerful mediums in terms of connecting with people and networking. You can join groups of your niche and build relationships from there to finding your potential leads.

2. Highly Active Users — LinkedIn is an active platform for professional people to showcase their career highlights, profile, and sell their service, skill, and products. This is exactly what you need to recruit leads. Given all these advantages, your job is to only communicate with the right people and get what you need from them.

3. Tailor-made for B2B Lead Generation — LinkedIn’s advanced search is one of the prime reasons why it is tailor-made for B2B lead generation. It allows you to narrow down and filter potential leads based on your requirements. Thus, speeding up your process. Once connecting, you can send in your personalized message and establish a professional relationship.

4. The most effective social media platform for lead generation- Since LinkedIn is tailor-made for professionals to sell their products and services. It is far more effective to exploit and superior to the other social platforms.

5. Minimum Effort Maximum Conversions- Since it is super easy and accessible to find filters and find leads according to your needs and specifications, the effort you put into lead generation is pretty minimal, allowing you to save a lot of time. One advanced search is all it takes to get a list of potential leads.

How can SalesQL boost the chances of success for your lead generation strategies?

Using an email finding tool in Linkedin lead generation is extremely effective in multiple ways and perfect for outreaching.

A Linkedin email finder like SalesQL can help you extract the updated personal and business emails of any number of targeted leads with a single click. It ensures that you connect with your prospects by bringing in verified email addresses. So, there is no risk of bounces.

SalesQl also allows you to access various other details of your prospects other than the email address. This includes contact information, company name, alternate email address, and a lot more.

You also get to leverage an intuitive and clutter-free dashboard to manage the information of your leads.

Well, then why wait. Get started with SalesQL for free. The first 100 credits are on us!

Originally published at https://salesql.com on April 16, 2021.

