7 Steps To Master Your Email Marketing Campaign

Danche Azmanova
Sales.Rocks Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2019

Welcome to the world of email marketing campaigns!

There are almost 4 billion email users, so if you are looking at how to connect, nurture and keep your customers, sending an email is the perfect way to reach out to them.

Unless you have extra time and budget to individually build a personal relationship with each prospect, email campaigns should be your best friend when it comes to marketing.

So, where to start?

1. Choose the Goal and Purpose of Your Campaign

Start by asking yourself why are you running this campaign? Is it for promoting a new product or service, for increasing brand awareness or for boosting user engagement? Or maybe you want to generate customer feedback or content?

2. Identify Your Buyer Persona

The next step is to identify and understand your tribe of ideal customers (buyer personas) for your campaign.

Answering the following questions will help you gain a deeper understanding of your ideal target customer:

  • Why will this person be interested in your product/service?
  • What needs or desires will your product/service fulfill?
  • What problem, pain, or obstacle they are experiencing that your product or service can address?
  • What are the benefits if they purchase your product or service?
  • What negative consequences will they experience if they don’t purchase your product or service?

3. Create a Lead Magnet

At this point, you are probably wondering how to attract prospects to your email database?

Create a lead magnet!

It can be in the form of an offer that is given away for free in exchange for an email address.

For example, a relevant lead magnet would be a guide, an e-book, a free online course, a webinar, an event ticket, a discount coupon, a quiz, etc.

4. Personalize Your Emails

Obviously, you are sending the campaign to 100+ people at the same time. Your leads don’t need to know that.

To successfully tackle this mission try using personalized email.

Proper filtering is the first step. You can either do it manually by yourself, or you can use a software to do the work for you.

To adequately prepare for your next email campaign, personalize the copy by using: location, industry, company size (employee range, revenue range), company status (founding date, operating status), etc.

5. Write a Compelling Email Copy

Speaking of writing a copy, now that you have the behind-the-scenes customizations it is time for some actual writing.

The rule here is — write the way you talk.

When writing a subject — use clear, actionable, and personalized message, in accordance with the email body.

In the email copy, stick to only one topic, and don’t forget to insert relevant and eye-catching images that are optimized for all devices.

Last, but not least, include a persuasive call-to-action at the end of the email that will link to a relevant offer.

Before you click SEND, have in mind that recent studies show that Tuesday at 11 AM ET is the best day and time for sending email campaigns.

6. Avoid Spam Filters

If you don’t want your email deliverability to be affected, do your best to avoid the spam folder.

To lower the chances that the spam scenario will happen to you, consider:

  • Avoiding using spam trigger words (e.g.“opt-in”, “click below”, and “order”) or using all caps and multiple exclamation points.
  • Ask your new subscribers to add your email address to their address book (include directions on how to do this in your welcome email).
  • Stick to established and well-known email provider companies.

7. Analyze and Measure Your Campaign Results

To evaluate the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns, let this 4 key metrics guide you:

  • Deliverability measures: The rate at which emails reach your intended subscribers’ inboxes.
  • Open rate: The percentage of people that open your email once it reaches their inbox.
  • Clickthrough rate (CTR): The percentage of people that click on your Call-To-Action buttons in the email.
  • Unsubscribes: The number of people who opt out of your email list once they receive an email from you.

After having all this info in mind, ask yourself:

  • Was your deliverability rate higher in comparison to your previous campaign?
  • How did your CTR compare to your open rate?
  • Were your unsubscribe numbers consistent with other emails?
  • Could you try another style of CTA that you think it will perform better?

Wrap Up

In today’s ever-changing digital world, email marketing is a MUST! If you haven’t considered developing email campaigns for your business already, now is the time to start.

Get this Complete Email Marketing Campaign Guide for free, and discover a framework for running more impactful, measurable marketing campaigns by learning how to plan, create, execute, and analyze them.

Originally published at https://blog.sales.rocks on July 9, 2019.



Danche Azmanova
Sales.Rocks Blog

I am a Content Writer at Sales.Rocks with a mission to educate and help readers in their marketing and sales efforts.