How to Write Cold Emails That Work Using Bulk Data — Sales.Rocks

Danche Azmanova
Sales.Rocks Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2019

121 emails — this is the average number of emails an office worker receives per day. With this many emails in their inbox, it is a real challenge to stand out from the crowd, and get your emails to be read.

However, this should not discourage you to create email campaigns. Email is still one of the most efficient ways of communicating and interacting with your target audience. This is why you should take a different approach when it comes to writing cold emails. Copywriting formulas like AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), BBB (Brief, Blunt, Basic) and QVC (Question, Value proposition, Call to action) will help your email to get noticed, and your service/product to be taken into consideration.

Before you start writing emails, take time to Sales.Rocks tailor your messages. You can use tools for data processing like the Bulk Data to target the right audience for your email campaign. Choose from these filters:

  1. Location (region, postcode, HQ or branch location)
  2. Industry (SIC, NAICS, NACE code or try searching by keywords)
  3. Company size (employee and revenue range)
  4. Company status (founded date, operating status)
  5. Contact option (phone and email available, website URL, decision-maker)

Here in Sales.Rocks we use one of the most efficient copywriting models — AIDA.

These are the AIDA elements:

  • Attention (catching the recipient’s attention with the subject line or first sentence)
  • Interest (focusing on their pain points by appealing to their professional/personal interest)
  • Desire (elaborate on the benefits we offer and presenting the value of our solution)
  • Action (CTA — ask for a specific action)

We are big fans of this model because it focuses on a specific reader while creating the most personalized experience for them. Moreover, with this tactic, your emails won’t look like a spam message, but more like a friendly offer from one person to another. This approach increases the chances that your message will get noticed.

Let’s take a look at an example of how Sales.Rocks uses the AIDA formula in action:

To: [decision-maker email address]

Subject: No idea how to connect with your desired prospects?

This email perfectly illustrates one of the most important rules when it comes to cold emails: the shorter — the better. It increases the chances of prospects reading it until the end, and results in faster response time. Speaking of simplicity, this is the BBB formula we use:

  • Brief — keep it short (as possible)
  • Blunt — straight to the point (what you offer and why it is useful for them)
  • Basic — keep it simple (as possible)

This is how the BBB formula is applied in our emails:

To: [decision-maker email address]

Subject: Tired of receiving “delivery failed” messages?

In the example, we used less than a 100 words to express that we are aware of our prospect’s pain points, and offered to help. Nothing extra.

Last, but now least. One of our cold email tactics is the QVC formula which stands for:

  • Question (starting with a question that will focus on their pain point)
  • Value proposition (what makes us stand out from the others)
  • Call to action (use CTA to provoke a response)

Look at this example of how our marketers at Sales.Rocks use the QVC formula in the marketing campaigns:

To: [decision-maker email address]

Subject: Having trouble with gaps in your contact list?

Wrap up

Cold emailing is changing, but it’s not dead. In fact, it is even more important today for companies that want to attract new customers and increase their revenue. And writing to them has never been easier. Use relevant marketing enablement platforms to identify your ideal customers, prepare applicable content, tell them you exist, and attract them enough to decide for your solution offer.

Originally published at on April 19, 2019.



Danche Azmanova
Sales.Rocks Blog

I am a Content Writer at Sales.Rocks with a mission to educate and help readers in their marketing and sales efforts.