How to Create Unity Within Your Restaurant

Unity between your staff members is crucial for the success of your restaurant

Lina Yue
3 min readJan 12, 2017


When there is a divide between the front of house and back of house, it decreases the productivity of the staff and issues are more likely to arise. This lack of collaboration creates a sense of “they” and “we”, which makes it easier to blame each other for mistakes without thinking about it from their perspective. In order to combat this, managers need to create an environment that promotes empathy. You will notice increased teamwork and cooperation, which will encourage your employees to work together towards a tangible success.

The staff at Eleven Madison Park with “Keep Calm and Make it Nice” written on their t-shirts via

Language Matters

An essential aspect of perception is language. Consider renaming “front of house” and “back of house” to less contrasting names such as “kitchen” and “dining room” or even get creative if you wish! Let these names be part of your restaurant’s jargon. This initial step will make a huge difference in how your two teams will regard each other and will eradicate the segregation that the original names imply.

Empathy Through Education

Educate all parties on the responsibilities of each department to create success for the entire company. When everyone understands how the others contribute, they are more likely to empathize, trust and respect each other. It will also prevent blame from being cast on both sides and motivate employees to work together to solve any problems that may arise. If possible, make it mandatory for employees and new hires to spend some time shadowing the others so they know from the very beginning what the other employees’ responsibilities are. This will allow them to be more open minded.


One Team One Dream

Establish a clear mission for the entire restaurant and reinforce this mission until it becomes part of each employee’s DNA. When employees know that they are working together towards the same goal, they will feel a sense of “oneness”. With an overarching vision, they understand that they are part of something that is much larger than themselves which will inspire them to work harder and more importantly, together.

via quickmemes

Assemble For Success

Host briefings and feedback sessions for the entire staff on a weekly or bi-weekly to promote a sense of harmony. This will provide an opportunity for everyone to communicate openly and provide input as a unified team. It will also create a valuable space for the team to brainstorm on solutions to any issues they are having at the present moment.


*Tips recommended by our Director of Hospitality, Justin Wands, who has worked at legendary restaurants groups including Thomas Keller, Make it Nice, and Daniel Boulud in NYC.

What do you do to promote harmony between your staff? Let us know! Follow us on Medium SALIDO and on Instagram here!



Lina Yue

Operations Analyst @SALIDO and grad from @NYU. Passionate about travel, culture, and literature. Loves to recycle and eat vegetables.