Partnering with Share Our Strength’s “No Kid Hungry” campaign

Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2017

On Saturday, November 18th, 2017 SALIDO partnered for the third time with Share Our Strength’s “No Kid Hungry” campaign on the Reboule du Rhone wine event. This event was conceived by Dustin Wilson and Thomas Pastuszak to celebrate the French wine region of the Northern Rhone Valley. Dustin is widely known for his role in “Som” a documentary about the struggles of becoming a M.S. (Master Sommelier), but his true clout comes from being the former wine director of Eleven Madison Park. Thomas is the Wine Director of The Nomad Hotel and produces his own wine, the “Empire State” which produces Riesling and Cabernet Franc. The two decided that unlike many of the larger wine events that are for profit, they wanted to make this an event for charity. They searched no further then No Kid Hungry to help produce the event and use its profits to help end children’s hunger across the country.

Highlights of the four day event included a Jean-Louis Chave tasting at Pasquale Jones, a grand tasting at 180 Maiden Lane with over 500 attendees and an intimate celebratory dinner to follow for just under 100 guests.

Saturday’s tasting spanned from 1–4 p.m. with a VIP hour until 5 p.m. that provided guests with the opportunity to taste wines being poured by winemakers and sommeliers and discuss the quality and methods. As an added bonus to the tasting, SALIDO sponsored the “Women in Wine Lounge” perched high above the tasting floor. Each hour on the hour the lounge welcomed a noted female sommelier including: Natalie Johnson (Loring Place), Victoria James (COTE), Juliette Pope (Bowler Wine and formerly Gramercy Tavern) and Jordan Salcito (Momofuku and her own brand Ramona.) They each poured and talked about a favorite Northern Rhone Valley wine, its tasting notes, qualities and shared other pieces of their vast wine knowledge.

After a day of enjoying these terrific wines, our team ended the evening at 180 Maiden lane with an exquisite multi-course dinner from some of New York’s best, many of which are SALIDO customers, including: Abram Bissell (The Modern), Markus Glocker (Batard), Daniel Humm (Eleven Madison Park & The NoMad), Dan Kluger (Loring Place), Daniel Rose (Le Coucou), Miro Uskokovic (Gramercy Tavern), and Grayson Schmitz (Brooklyn Larder.)

Over just a few days, all of the weekend’s events raised $330,663 for No Kid Hungry, equating to over three million meals for kids nationwide! As this holiday season begins, we’re proud to continue our support of such a vital campaign and do our part to give back. Feeling Inspired? To support No Kid Hungry, click here.

photography credit: Shannon Sturgis

