Balancing The Mind To Create Happiness

Derek Morgan
Salon of Light
Published in
5 min readMay 5, 2024


Photo by D Jonez on Unsplash

The Oasis Of Love Spiritual Sunday Salon

Welcome to the Spiritual Sunday Salon, you have been drawn here for a reason, and that reason is to make the world happier and more beautiful; kindness is the key. Compassion for yourselves and others improves the world instantly.

God is love, and our aim with this group is to spread God’s love, through our inner connections.

Kindness and compassion will be two of the main vehicles for this love.

My Guides told me there are two main energy vibrations.

The Love-based energy

Love experiencing infinite possibilities, the vibration of the soul.

The experiences we have are all important, the soul doesn’t judge things as either positive or negative, and all experiences add to the expansion of greater awareness and consciousness.

The Fear-based Energy.

Seeking safety fearing loss, the vibration of the damaged and hurt mind.

The hurt mind limits experiences to reduce the chance of more pain, but this can lead to repeated behavior and limits the opportunity to grow.

We aim to heal the mind to return to a love-based and trusting vibration.

Yesterday my guides gave me a more supportive image of the mind and its roles in our lives. It is delegated the various roles of enabling your soul’s activities throughout your life. Here are a few roles to help further the concept.

Mind Organizer, responsible for coordinating the other departments and making a final discussion and plan.

Soul Whisper, is responsible for building a relationship with the soul and feeding back the soul’s desire to the Mind Organizer.

Resource Manager, accessing the finances and other resources to see if they can meet future plans, set by the Soul Whisper and the Safety Team.

The Safety Team’s role is to assess how to keep you safe in all areas of your life, prioritizing physical safety and basic needs.

Happiness and Creativity Team, to create situations you will enjoy or grow through.

Self-care Team’s role is to find routines that help create the best conditions for you to thrive, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The PR and Imaging Team’s role is to find a way for you to interact with the world that helps express the Mind Organizer’s vision and attract other people to help you create the vision.

The Recruitment Team’s role is to find the right people for roles in your life, that are important for assisting your success and happiness.

The Mind Organizer listens to all the departments and then creates a plan based on their reports. Recently my Safety Team has pulled rank and asked the other teams to be patient, but the Resource Team has flagged up some important issues that will impact the Safety Team if things go wrong.

On a positive note, the Resource Team mentioned some possible financial improvements that might occur shortly, so fingers crossed.

Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

We create our own truth.

We create our own narrative.

I watched a few YouTube videos about ‘how to improve your story writing’, and they explained how to develop the main characters.

You have two types of characters plot-driven (Victim).

We have all been there, sometimes in situations where we have no choice or control. We may be stuck in situations feeling imprisoned. Recently a fearful situation has attempted to strip our faith and fill us with fear. To be honest I put the outfit of a victim on for a few days.

The idea of shrinking and hiding surrendering my undoubted power was really uncomfortable, but I did surrender it to what-ifs and fear. It’s so easy to find the old not good enough tapes. It was good while it lasted, that was a peak time, and other surrender and shrink narratives.

We are divine beings here to change the world with love and kindness one person at a time.

And now it is so important you make that person you, it may be harder but we have created such a powerful loving energy in the Salons that this will only grow. People will be drawn to it.

The Characters Story drives the plot.

Your narrative and actions start to change the world, and you begin to realize your divine power, the creator/ God within and reflected outside. My narrative is one of service and bravery. I know fear so wants to break and own me and believe me I am a huge trophy for fear.

But we are invincible if we stay in our light, and there is strength in numbers, the more of us there are the stronger we get.

By reading this article you are changing the world, either by the content confirming your beliefs or by encouraging you to ask yourself can this be true?

Here are a few more articles for you to enjoy.

17 stories
A photo of me by a friend in Hotchkiss, CO, 2024.

You are a beautiful divine mirror, God’s energy and love are within you.

I’m not playing small anymore, but I’m changing the rules, from now on don’t give me any compliments you don’t believe are true of you.

We are all mirrors if you see the beauty and wisdom in somebody it’s because it’s in you.

These two songs also came on came on at important times.

Part of you knows why you are here, all you have to do is listen and believe it.

You are loved, powerful, and divine, the world is a brighter place with you in it.

My world is a brighter place with you in it, thank you.

Thanks for reading but more importantly thanks for being your beautiful self.

Love yourself, Love life, Love each other, and Create Magic

Rajesh Poovathum Kadavil Poonam Vashist zizi majid Sheronda Lofton Stephanie Mccabe Jennifer Moorman Bolanos Ted Czukor CJ Coop Brenda Arledge Libby Shively McAvoy Belcairn Chantal Christie Weiss River’s Writings Emika Oka (Mika) Elena dL Lisa Morgan Emily Gibson Brenda Long Derek Morgan Bella Smith ⭐ Jezebelle Darling Victorious Halo Judi Bachrach Judy Haratz Cohen Cristina Cattai Rachel Dawson My Cozy Den Melforte Lee Byrd Benighted



Derek Morgan
Salon of Light

A test pilot for the gift of life. Exploring the dance between Love and Fear. Creating a wave of Hope.