Do You Meet People by Coincidence?

Or There Is a Role of Destiny

Poonam Vashist
Salon of Light
2 min readMar 25, 2024


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Have you ever wondered why we meet people seemingly out of nowhere? Someone enters your life and completely transforms it.

They mirror your soul, helping you see deep within yourself, identifying triggers, and guiding you toward inner healing and growth. They illuminate a path of light when you are lost in the darkness. Sometimes, they stay for an extended duration, while other times, you notice them distancing themselves when their role in your life is over.

Each soul embarks on its journey, and every journey is unique. Every soul is on a mission in the earthly plane, and they are all helping each other without even realizing it. Out of 8 billion people, those I’ve met and crossed paths with are not mere coincidences. Meeting individuals who profoundly impact lives seems more like destiny or some higher purpose.

I used to believe there is only one soulmate in life, but through my journey, I’ve come to feel that every soul I encounter helps me heal and evolve into my best self. The universe cannot communicate with us directly, so it places people in our lives to guide us and provide direction when we feel lost.

These encounters are not random but serendipitous events orchestrated by the universe. Previously, when someone mistreated me or tested my patience, I questioned what I had done to deserve such behavior. However, my perception has shifted. I now realize even those who hurt us are part of our soul contracts, nudging us toward our higher purpose.

This perception shift has brought peace within me. It has helped me understand things on deeper levels, and I feel connected with everyone I meet because this sense of connection and mutual evolution toward making the world a better place brings me happiness.

Everyone plays a role in this world, but there is something that transcends the physical realm, connecting us all. The phenomenon of telepathy sometimes leaves me spellbound; I’ll think of someone, and the next day, I receive a call or text from them. This experience made me realize that even when we don’t recognize or know each other, our souls can sense and feel what humans cannot.

Every person we meet holds a special agreement with our soul. These soul contracts are like invisible bonds guiding us to those who will teach us, challenge us, and help us grow. As we journey through life, let’s cherish each encounter, for they are whispers of fate, reminding us of the beauty of human connection.

With gratitude, let’s embrace each soul we encounter, knowing that in their presence, we find pieces of ourselves and the shared journey we’re all a part of.✨💖

© 2024 Poonam Vashist.



Poonam Vashist
Salon of Light

In pursuit of creating magic with my words and making a subtle difference by bringing closer the worlds of my dreams.✨