Story Telling And Writing Have The Power To Manifest Reality.
The Friday Fellowship. We are in a constant battle to create our reality.
I want to share the importance of writing in life. In response to this article by Harry Hogg.
Harry asks the questions, why do we write? and does writing change people?
I intended to write about my personal journey with writing, from writing a book in an office in connection with the Creator Within, to writing in an ad-hoc style on Medium. In writing the first book, I had feedback when I edited it, and customer feedback when I printed it a few months later. The book wasn’t to everyone’s taste nor did it cover the same experiences that most people have, but for the people who had a similar experience, it gave them common ground which reduced the feeling of being isolated.
My writing on Medium is far more diverse and intense in its interactions. I’ve made some amazing friends and been inspired by them in ways I couldn’t imagine, craving for the interaction of people who before Medium…