What if You’re Amazing And Beautiful

Derek Morgan
Salon of Light
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2024


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

What Ifs Are the Key To The Door Of The Future

Positive What-ifs open the door to a brighter future, negative what-ifs can make us afraid to open that door, and some can even lock it.

I’ve had a monstrous year of change, lots of the changes were painful, undesired, and unwelcome. My natural protection in life is to keep investing in life and the future, I know things change, and even people we are very close to can have life move them away for one reason or another.

An upturn for one can lead to a downturn for another, people follow their joy or do what they need to do to survive, anytime they give you is a blessing.

My guides recently suggested that I need to re-assess my emotional stocks and shares, some investments are constant like our partners, children, and long-term friendships, while others are newer. Children growing up need various levels of support, but at a certain age we need to stand back a little and re-assess the relationship, and their skills, and needs are different.

What-ifs play such a large role, my daughter is just finishing University and wants to stay independent, so our chats about the future can be challenging because like lots of young people, the ‘what-if you can get everything but you may have to wait for some of it’, is not what she wants to hear.

At first, we were viewed as trying to be negative, but later when we did the maths with her, she realized she needed to adapt her plan.

Our insecurities and fears use so many what-ifs and without a positive what-if to combat the concerns we can become trapped. Some clients have come to me with contrasting what-ifs, while either one is possible, both can’t happen.

For example,
What if I don’t get the job? or what if I get the job and I hate it?
What if I can never get pregnant? or what if I have a baby and he leaves me?
Neither may be true and both the contrasting what-ifs can’t be true.

My contrasting what-ifs are,

What if my health fails me?
What if I can become fitter than ever before?
What if people don’t like my writing?
What if my writing helps people and my audience grows?
What if my friends move on?
What if this creates space for people closer aligned with my goals?
What if my business doesn’t make money?
What if my new strategies for the business create more opportunities and wealth?

It’s important to have a positive what-if to challenge any doubts.

What if you’re amazing?
What if you’re beautiful?
What if you’re divine?
What if you’re destined for greatness?
What if you’re loved?
What if you’re seen?
What if you’re yourself?
What if you’re unbeatable?
What if you’re an inspiration?
What if you’re a light to others?
What if you’re magical?
What if you’re funny?
What if you’re appreciated?
What if you’re the future?
What if you’re the answer?
What if you’re security for others?
What if you’re a safe space for yourself and others?
What if you’re a beautiful role model?
What if you’re happy?
What if you’re an insightful writer?

I’m sure there are lots more what-ifs you can add to the list.

We tell ourselves a story about our lives and the universe provides the props.
Go within or go without.
Stop hiding, shrinking doesn’t serve the world or God.

Thanks for reading but more importantly thanks for being your beautiful self.

Love yourself, Love life, Love each other, and Create Magic!

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Derek Morgan
Salon of Light

A test pilot for the gift of life. Exploring the dance between Love and Fear. Creating a wave of Hope.