A Perfect Kiss

Lewis Figun Westbrook
Salt Flats
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2022
Photo by Luo Lei on Unsplash

“Can we practice it?”

Meat stares at faer hands. At the room fae just recently cleaned. At the outfit already laid across the couch even though they have eight hours before the party. Sometimes, it’s easier to ask questions without waiting for a reaction. Without the pressure of eye contact.

“We’ve done it before, though.”

Meat looks up. “But not on a deadline! And not in front of people.” Fae clasps faer hands together. “I’m nervous.”

It’s Meat’s first New Year’s Eve kiss. And fae is meeting most of Agate’s friends for the first time. It’s a little nerve wracking.

Agate nods. “We can probably find the ball drop on YouTube and cast it to the computer.”

Meat nods back, a jagged shudder of faer chin. “Yes, please.”

Agate’s friends are stressful enough. They all seem so cool in their stories. The kiss though, having to do it at the right moment without nervous laughter or backing out. And anyone in the room could be watching!

It’s such a weird tradition anyway. Supposed to bring luck. Or be a promise of wanting to spend the year with that person. German folklore says it sets the tone for the upcoming year. Messing up a kiss in front of your wonderful partner’s friends?

Meat gulps. That would be the worst omen.

Agate holds up their phone. “This one is from 2016.” It’s a five minute video. The ball is colorful and, somehow every time Meat sees it, it feels like the first time. Like every New Year’s, fae forgets every image of the ball.


Meat looks over. Agate has their specific ‘I can tell you are anxious and am being intentionally gentle’ face.

“Want me to walk you through it?”

Meat nods.

“Okay.” Agate sets the video up but keeps it paused on the opening screen. “So this video is five minutes, but I am going to skip to the countdown. At ten we will start counting down. When we get to one, we make eye contact and then we lean in for a kiss. It doesn’t have to be long or anything. Just one peck.”

Meat nods again. Fae breathes. It feels a little more possible now. The clear instructions and confirmation gives fae something to lean on. Like Meat can finally relax on the back of a chair.

Agate plays with the video. They find a spot 15 seconds before the ball drops. “Let me know when you are ready.”

Meat swallows. “Ready.”

They take a deep breath together. And then count.

“10, 9, 8”

Maybe it’ll be romantic. To kiss on New Year’s. It’s supposed to be romantic.

“7, 6, 5, 4, 3,”

It’s close now. Meat is nervous. Fae stares at Agate’s lips. At the lips fae’s kissed many times. At the lips that belong to the person fae loves.

“2, 1,”

Meat doesn’t close faer eyes. That would make faer too nervous. But fae leans in slowly.

The crowd on the video cheers. Agate kisses Meat. Their lips are soft and their hands drift up to Meat’s chin. It’s comforting. It’s nice.

They pull away. The sound cuts off as the video ends, and Meat stares at Agate. It’s scary. It’s still so scary. So many new things back to back but it’s nice to have a comforting person there. Someone fae knows fae can trust.

Fae smiles shyly. “Do you think I look good when we kiss?”

Agate laughs. “Oh, you tryna impress my friends like that?”



Lewis Figun Westbrook
Salt Flats

Lewis (he/they) is a comedian first and a writer second as it is best saved for time alone in a room where they can cry all they want. Find them @lewisrllw