Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash


Becki Rasmussen
Salt Flats
Published in
Apr 3, 2021




Alone at last

Mind alight with

Inspiration overtaking

Every thought inside her

Mind and body Overwhelmed

Head and heart at last combined

Seeing clearly the route before her

Truth beginning to clarify all that stands

Between the light and the dark inside, expanding

thoughts increase their unrelenting pace pushing her

to move ahead without thought, blocks in time and space

No time left for perfection, creation requires chaos to take hold

before it releases itself in hand, in heart, in rhyme in time to the beat

of the song in her mind. The beating drums building crescendo in her soul

like a wave consuming all in its path, she concedes defeat as it consumes her



Becki Rasmussen
Salt Flats

I have been writing since I was old enough to formulate sentences on paper on my own. However, I did not realize this was my dream job until I was much older.