Interview with Will Harris of White Oak Pastures

Craig Cannon
Salt of the Earth
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2016

Heads up! This is an excerpt/recap from our small business podcast, Salt of the Earth. If you like it you can subscribe to our newsletter.

John and I interviewed Will Harris of White Oak Pastures for this episode of the podcast. You can listen on iTunes or our site.

White Oak Pastures has been in Will’s family since the 1800s. When Will took over in the 90s he began to shift their business from a traditional cattle ranch to the multi-species sustainable farm it is today.

Will saw the effects of certain fertilizers and hormones on the land and animals then decided he wanted to do better. He began to educate himself and White Oak Pastures has since become an exemplar of sustainable ranching and agriculture.

In transitioning the farm Will sacrificed many of the efficiencies and profits inherent to modern farming. Along the way he took on debt for the first time in White Oak Pastures’ history. He’s since come out on the other side into a market that’s excited and eager to support a producer with his values.

Underlying our entire conversation, in addition to his spectacular accent, is the impact of Will’s work ethic on his success. “Tenacity trumps everything”, he says, and man it’s clear. Don’t expect any lifehacks from this guy. Will has put in the hours and would tell you to do the same.

When you listen to Will speak about White Oak Pastures you feel his love for the place. He communicates in a way achievable only after years spent considering the purpose of one’s work. That said, in the same breath Will will also mention where he shops for wine–a gas station.

You can listen on iTunes or our site.

Thanks for reading! If you like this sort of thing you can subscribe to our newsletter where we write about each episode.

And a huge thanks to Darby for introducing us to Will.

