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Reduce chaotic dependencies between objects

Swift — Problems Catalogue #18

Alex Ilovan
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2023


Problem Definition:

Consider the following scenario. You have to implement an air traffic control simulation app where users can control different aircraft and communicate with other aircraft.

The app would have a main interface where users can select an aircraft and send messages to other aircraft, such as requesting permission to take off or land. Due to the fact that there is a lot of aircraft that need to talk with one another, we can quickly slip into references hell and resulting in a highly tightly coupled system.

We need a way to allow loose coupling between all aircraft in order to make it easy to extend or modify.

Problem Solution:

Solution —Mediator it’s a design pattern that is used to manage communication between objects and promote loose coupling between them.

Real-World Usage:

First, we need to define aMediator protocol with two methods:registerAircraft(aircraft: Aircraft) and send(message: String, aircraft: Aircraft) that will be implemented by concrete mediator classes.

Next, we need to define anAircraft protocol that has two methods: send(message: String) and receive(message: String) that will be implemented by concrete aircraft classes.

1. Protocols Definition

Now, we need to implement theAirTrafficControlMediator class, which is the concrete implementation of the Mediator protocol and holds references to Aircraft objects and it forwards messages between them.

When an aircraft wants to send a message, it calls the send(message: String) method on itself, which in turn calls the send(message: String, aircraft: Aircraft) method on the AirTrafficControlMediator object. The AirTrafficControlMediator then forwards the message to all other aircraft, except the one that sent the message.

The AirTrafficControlMediator also keeps track of all the aircraft that have been registered with it, so it knows where to forward the messages.

2. Air Traffic Control Mediator

The Boeing747 and AirbusA320 classes implement the Aircraft protocol and they hold a reference to an AirTrafficControlMediator object.

3. Aircraft Definition

Finally, let’s bring everything together, let’s create an instance of the AirTrafficControlMediator() and pass it to the instances of the Boeing747 & AirbusA320 .

When theboeing.send(message: "Requesting permission to land.") method is called, which in turn calls the send(message: String) method on the boeing object. The boeing object then forwards the message to the AirTrafficControlMediator object by calling the send(message: String, aircraft: Aircraft) method. The AirTrafficControlMediator forwards the message to all other aircrafts by calling the receive(message: String) method on them.

4. Bringing everything together

By using a mediator, the aircraft objects (ex: boeing, airbus etc) don’t need to know about each other in order to communicate and they don’t have direct reference to one another, all communication goes through the mediator.

From this point on, the sky is the limit 🚀 well…almost.

Of course, this design pattern has its limitations but used in moderation, it’s a great tool in our development toolbox.

This is the seventh article in the Swift Problems Catalogue series in which I’ll tackle general software development problems. The aim is to have a quick reference guide that can be easily accessed when having a design/algorithm dillemma.

Let me know what you think and don’t be shy to share where and when this pattern simplified your coding experience 🎶



Alex Ilovan

🚀Head of Mobile Development @S&P 💻Comp. Engineer 🪐Engineering Manager. You can visit at: