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Share Common Parts of State between Multiple Objects

Swift — Problems Catalogue #14

Alex Ilovan
Published in
4 min readOct 7, 2022


Problem Definition:

Consider the following scenario. You have to implement an app that lets you control an army of flies, a FlyCommandApp đŸȘ°đŸ˜ź (that’s an odd use case

The problem here is that there are a lot and I mean a lot of flies in a swarm. Ergo, potentially a lot of objects that of course need to be stored.

Even though in our day and age, we tend not to worry about memory consumption, sometimes, in some particular cases, we can’t just create instances upon instances of objects (especially when we need vast amounts of them).

Problem Solution:

Solution —Flyweight it’s a structural design pattern that allows you to share common parts of state between multiple objects thus manages to minimize memory consumption. Basically, it returns cached objects instead of creating new ones.

It’s not a widely encountered design pattern—quite the opposite but it’s a good one to know when you are working in a significant memory (RAM) consumption context. Its sole purpose is to save memory by caching common data used by different objects.

Real-World Usage:

First, let’s define some enums in which we define the types of swarm formation and its stance. Next, let’s define a Unit protocol (in case we want to expand our Swarm to also support different types of insects 🐛) in which we define a move() method with a type of stance and a type of formation.

Afterwards, it’s time to define our Fly entity. This entity has a description and conforms to the Unit protocol.

Figure 1. Fly Definition

Next, we need to create our SwarmControl class. This class takes an array of flies, their stance and their type of formation.

Also, let’s define an executeFlyManoeuvre() method that for each fly in our swarm executes the move method with a stance and in a particular formation.

Figure 2. Swarm Control

So far, so good. Next, we need to handle the gist of the Flyweight pattern or where the magic of this pattern happens.

Here, two methods and the swarm variable are of Flyweight importance. The createFly(), deployFly() and the swarm dictionary with the FlyType key.

In essence, the deployFly() method, before returning any Fly, checks the swarm, if an entity of that particular requested FlyType exists, then it returns that entity. If not, then it creates one with the createFly() method, stores it in the swarm and afterwards returns it.

What does that mean? We only have two particular entities in the swarm variable — one leader and one fighter but we can deploy them several times.

Also, to illustrate this even further, let’s add a swarmDescription() method that prints out all the entities in the swarm. We will call this method after we deploy our swarm to illustrate the Flyweight concept.

3. Fly Factory

Let’s bring everything together in the FlyCommandApp. Let’s define in the test method four flies and add them to a swarm. Afterwards, let’s pass the swarm into the swarmControl constructor, execute the Fly manoeuvre and afterwards let’s execute the swarm description from the factory.

4. Fly Command App

Now, let’s see the output. First of all, we can see right off the bat, four movements, three deployments of the fighter type and one leader.

But afterwards, the simple “leader” & “fighter” print from the swarmDescription() that represents the entities in the factory swarm:

1x leader and 1x fighter versus 4 deployments (3 figthers and 1 leader)

5. Output

We need to store only two types of entities but we can deploy several hundred or more. Basically, the Flyweight pattern returns cached objects instead of creating new ones.

From this point on, the sky is the limit 🚀 well

Of course, this design pattern has its limitations but used in moderation, it’s a great tool in our development toolbox.

This is the next article in the Swift Problems Catalogue series in which I’ll tackle general software development problems. The aim is to have a quick reference guide that can be easily accessed when having a design/algorithm dillemma.

Let me know what you think and don’t be shy to share where and when this pattern simplified your coding experience đŸŽ¶



Alex Ilovan

🚀Head of Mobile Development @S&P đŸ’»Comp. Engineer đŸȘEngineering Manager. You can visit at: