Do We Need Another Yoga Book?

The Real Experience Of The Body And Earth

Narelle Carter-Quinlan
Saltwater Songlines
2 min readAug 24, 2019


Image by Author

The planet is burning.

And I’m writing a book.

And I can’t help but ask myself this past nearly a year now, what might yet another yoga book offer the world? How might anything I have to say on this much written about, taught and traded “practice”, have to offer in tender and heart felt service? That is, in Service to us all and especially, in Service to and with the planet.

To be sure, my body of work follows the path less travelled, in that I Practice – and Teach – yoga within the experience of an asymmetric spine, or Scoliosis. This in itself, offers a Voice not particularly main Stream. But the core of me knows, in my own vibrating bones, that the real Voice that I want to sing, and sometimes these days, bloody well cry, lies in the very tissues of commonality, of communion, of my body and the body of the earth. Our planet. Ourselves. One. This, this is mine to do. My service. In loving stewardship of our bodies and lands and seas in intimate relationship.

Yoga is a practice of embodiment. It is a practice of the present felt and known sensation of consciousness. Conscious spirit, embodied. Yoga is a practice of communion with the wholeness of the self, the wholeness of community, and I will offer, yoga is a practice of wholeness with Earth. The Earth as a living, breathing , conscious Being. This, is the grand and multifaceted field, with which we are in relationship; the greater ecology.

As we engage with asana, as we are attendant to sensation, as witness, we have the opportunity to align with great neutrality. The inner dialogue quietens; honey and milk on the surface of water. We listen. We observe. We enter a different dialogue of reciprocity. If we choose to consciously do this – create these shapes with your form – with a deliberate acknowledgement of the tissues of our organism and the tissues of the body of the earth echoing, or being part of, each other, something else happens. Edges dissolve. The field expands: Love arises.

And along with it, the truth; that we are one. Body and Earth.

I make images and I write words. I also practice and teach yoga & dance.

You can come walk with me at

Narelle x



Narelle Carter-Quinlan
Saltwater Songlines

Foundress Saltwater Songlines Project. Woman of the Sea. Walker of Songlines. Photographer, Filmmaker, Storyteller.