Grandmother Country

Walking Mercurial Chains Of Pools

Narelle Carter-Quinlan
Saltwater Songlines
2 min readAug 17, 2019


Image ©Author

Tidal Pools always remind me of Grandmother Ancestor Spirits. I see Elders, Mothers, children, as if their bodies are nestled within, squirming in sand; nesting, wriggling, nuzzling their shapes into form.

The sandscape shifts with each tidal inhale-exhalation, as if it is alive. Which, it is.

For this is what we call “Country”. It sings a Story, calling those to whom it belongs and who belong to it. Songlines. Knowledge that sings the land and the body into form.

The earth, sky, sand, water, and rocks, part of our very physical presence, our tissues, our being. A embodied ecology.

Image ©Author

Walking the sand-sea Country is an ongoing form of both communion and creation. In many ways, each sings the Other into presence; body and earth. Sound creates; so does vibration. Our own presence, in acknowledgment of the presence of Country, calls Place into being. And vice versa. This is real.

Born of the Heart, and of Spirit.


Deepest Belonging.

Image ©Author

Saltwater Songlines is a multimodal Project in service to your sacred relationship with Earth.

You are invited.



Narelle Carter-Quinlan
Saltwater Songlines

Foundress Saltwater Songlines Project. Woman of the Sea. Walker of Songlines. Photographer, Filmmaker, Storyteller.