THE NOTION ROOM ~ SalvagePublication

Mansi Shah
Salvage Publication
3 min readAug 25, 2020

Excited to announce about all-new platform @salvage_publication called NOTION ROOM where we discover stories of individuals who have questioned their way of making things!

The Making

Notion Room was aimed to possess a single aspect in mind that is acknowledging that there are problems and crises around our ecosystem and our ways of living. Keeping keen interest in sustainable living and watching the news around I have come to understand that there is a high need of putting this across as loudly as possible. A not long time ago frustrated that there is no serious concern shown regarding this issue I thought I would want to take a step in putting stories worth sharing who hum the same song. With this understanding, I began contacting people of a similar interest who have challenged systems and the many imperfections of how things are made for not just the benefit of others but the entire planet in oneness.

Oyster mushrooms to growing edible herbs from clothes! ~ Salvage Publication

Our very first story consists of oyster mushrooms to growing edible herbs from clothes! A young artist who calls herself an investigator of nature, who is on her way of discovering some of the most mysterious forms of nature!

Paula Ulargui Escalona

To know more about her please visit @ulargui_escalona

This story unfolds the secrets of growing around nature and how our existing systems are destroying the biodiversity of our planet. The disconnect between humans and nature has never been so distant and our struggles with recognising the impact of our activities have many serious problems and this is the time where we come together and acknowledge the harmful ways of our living. Understand that it is never too late to start making conscious choices and discover innovative solutions and reach our potential of being a human that is ready to connect to nature like never before. The young explorer is here to challenge the way we make things and explore some of the most unthinkable ways of solutions through fashion, jump right in as we discover ways and solutions to make the change happen,

If not now when!

Here is the complete Video involving talks around Sustainability, Fashion, Bio design and more!

Last But Not Least

Its come to my realisation that its never too late to start speaking your mind, especially if its something you believe in. I hope to connect with individuals who see this planet as a whole and have learnt to live fully and not except with what already exists.

“It is still nature you cannot control it, you cannot create a product out of it it is letting nature grow and not make money out of it”
~ Paula Ulargui Escalona



Mansi Shah
Salvage Publication

Indulged in design thinking for over 4 years. I wish to mark my grasp on topics covering art & Sustainibility.