Circuit Youth: The Next Generation of Makers!

Alex Gentry
Circuit Youth Salvo
7 min readApr 12, 2017


We live in an age where youth want to learn things on their own.

Are you a teenager or young adult with an incredible gift that you want to share with the world?

We live in fast changing times, increasingly changed by innovations in technology, art, and education, in the beginning of rapid automation, and we’re Circuit Youth crowdfunding video summary descriptiondetermined to find a way to harness it in a way that will empower the youth.

In modern society, traditionally it’s been assumed that the only way to succeed in a career is to go to college and graduate with guaranteed promise of a stable job with a corporation right after graduation. Of course this long-held assumption has been proven wrong countless times by innovators and people who revolutionize their fields such as Bill Gates and Elon Musk. In addition to the increasing costs of college, the cost of living has increased and the availability of jobs has decreased. As you can see, it’s a recipe for disaster. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The millennials and Generation Z want something different for their lives than what their parents and grandparents probably wanted. They want to live more purposeful lives aligned with their values.

Our team

Why does Circuit Youth matter?

Our Virtual Reality in action!!!!

At Circuit Youth we believe that everyone is a creator and that everyone is capable of developing their full potential into genius.

Circuit Youth is a place to experiment with ideas, make lots of mistakes, try new things, recycle, upcycle, and generate ideas. These values resonate much more with the values of Millennials and Generation Z. Circuit Youth is in essence a space for creativity.

Makerspaces such as Circuit Youth function as alternative spaces for innovation, education, and moving towards a sustainable society. Circuit Youth shows that we need to look at the economy in a new light and move past the traditional paradigms of economic growth and consumerism towards a life-affirming economy and the maker movement, which is based on a creator-based rather than consumer-based economy.

What’s so great about Circuit Youth?

Co-Founders Brendan Clarke and Nicole Klau Ibarra in their second news interview

Circuit Youth isn’t just a space for people to work on projects or create things, but it’s a free space where people can explore in their own rhythm and build talent. One of the strengths of Circuit Youth is the ability of everyone to combine the skills they want to learn with their passions, truly creating a positive outlet for their creativity. The greatest thing about Circuit Youth is the community and how it comes together so that people can mutually support each other’s endeavors. Circuit Youth is a place where great connections are being made.The workshops and meetups, themed around 21st century technology, fashion, education, and social change, are focused on the capacity to place creativity and mastery rather than rote memory and test-taking at the center of learning.

One of the main intentions for Circuit Youth is self-directed learning. In our space individuals are responsible for and select, manage, and assess their own learning, which they can do at any time, place, age, and through any means. Due to learning in the maker movement being initiated by the learner, the learner has increased incentive to learn. As a result of self-directed learning, they will learn how to make their own portfolios and the vital skill of personal branding, which prepares them well to be agile in the workforce and become more creative and versatile in whatever career field and skill set they’ve chosen to pursue.

Circuit Youth offers a co-working space where you can go and work on your own stuff, yet the intent is for peer to peer learning, collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas. It’s also a gathering place around particular hobbies or interests. Starting in March 2017 in our space we are hosting a set of weekly meetups in particular categories of interest to their members.

Circuit Youth filled with people working on projects!!!

For instance, the Hack Club focuses on programming, game development, Raspberry Pi, arduino technologies as well as 3D design.

The Spanish Club has a vision to learn how to use Spanish through overcoming your fear of learning a language and using it in a calm, relaxing, fun environment, playing games, learning songs, and showing how you can learn on your own.

The Fashion Tech meetup seeks to combine beauty and tech innovation with sustainability and wearability. From the implementation of 3D printed pieces in garments, to the use of amazing innovative and bright textiles, but also on how fashion can become a force for good, help track and improve our health and interact with the environment. Circuit Youth will participate in Science Works ‘2017 Maker Faire’ with a Fashion Tech runway that will present their best pieces. The fashion tech focuses on both men’s and women’s fashion.

Our Raspberry Pi Retro console! It can play over 1,000 retro console games!

If your interest is to hang out, play games and enjoy free time, Circuit Youth is also a place for you. While it’s mainly a place to create projects, its secondary function is for young people to hang out, play games, both alone and with friends. If you’re looking for nightlife in Ashland and you’re either under 21 or not into the bar scene, Circuit Youth is a great place to just come and hang out. The Friday chill space begins every Friday at 8:30 pm and you’re all in for a great treat because Circuit Youth offers its Friday game night with the virtual reality and retro console gaming competitions. Circuit Youth offers a relaxed casual vibe whether at work or at play.

Circuit Youth is a place where youth have the opportunity to follow their dreams. It’s also a great place to get students into the school of life in a gentle introduction. It is a place where mastery is emphasized over test scores.

“When we give students the opportunity to play we’re giving them a taste of what happens in real life but also making it fun simultaneously” — Erin Scott, Marketing Manager, Science Works Hands-On Museum

Circuit Youth is a place where the you can fulfill your potential as youth and a place where you can forge a career path based on your interests.

“The more mixing you have between areas and expertises, the more possibilities come out of that” Rogue Hack Lab said at the Maker Faire.

Circuit Youth is a place where consumerism ends and producerism begins. Being a maker rather than a consumer can give you more freedom to do what you want with your own life while also making the world a better place.

“We live in such a world now where things are made for us and it’s really important that we make our own world.” — Tom Sepe, Sepe Productions

One of Circuit Youth’s core principles is agile learning, in which teenagers and young adults would be able to constantly learn and adapt to their new surroundings.

“A lot of the jobs and future career opportunities are in the ability to cross disciplines and be not afraid to learn continuously. It isn’t necessarily just what you know but what you will know in the future that you can acquire on the fly to solve the problem that comes up.” — Mica Cardillo, Co-Founder, Rogue Hack Lab

A fashion tech dress with LED lights

If you’re a teenager or young adult that wants to pursue the path of creativity, this movement belongs to you. You are the future. You own it, and you power it. We’re all in this together.

We live in interesting times. Let these interesting times be exciting for you! Let yourself utilize these exciting times to better yourself, summon your genius, and change the world.

You have greatness within you.

Back view of the Fashion Tech dress

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Alex Gentry
Circuit Youth Salvo

Language/Book/Travel Enthusiast. Language Tutor. Freelance Translator. Writer. Learning Graphic Design/Copywriting. Seeking Opportunities in E-Learning.