Evolution and the Short Distance Ahead

Alex Gentry
Circuit Youth Salvo
3 min readMay 8, 2017

Circuit Youth’s future direction

If you’ve visited downtown Ashland lately and gone to the Ashland Underground and have been a regular customer or client or business partner at Circuit Youth, you’re probably wondering “Where did Circuit Youth go?”

In April we left our old space as it wasn’t serving our needs as a youth organization and we got tired of struggling for the rent while separating ourselves from our bigger vision.

We are spending the next 3 to 4 months changing our strategy and finding a new and bigger place for our makerspace to exist. We intend to remain in Ashland to be accessible to you. Circuit Youth is changing and evolving and growing into something better and more than before with a space and community in greater alignment with our bigger vision. Yes, the first form of Circuit Youth is no more, but Circuit Youth is still here and it isn’t merely a place; It’s an idea, a movement, and is focusing on becoming a cornerstone of the public and private sphere of Ashland.

We have the excitement and the support of our surrounding community, a network of advisors mentoring us, and many enthusiastic youth who have joined our ranks. We are now a movement of makers in southern Oregon and elsewhere, a growing part of the wider Maker Movement around the world. While we’re in the transition period, we’re going to be attending and hosting several different events in various locations. Here’s what to look out for from us:

  1. May 31st-June 2nd our team members are going to be going to the Augmented World Expo (AWE) USA 2017 in Santa Clara. We will document our experience and make sure to bring the best ideas on VR/AR to share with you.
  2. There will be an upcoming Hackathon co-hosted by Circuit Youth and the Metacurrency Project this summer based upon the most innovative technologies for distributed applications called Holochain. We will have the presence of amazing computer scientists that will guide us to the creation of new apps. Think Uber without a middleman. Want to take a peek? Go to Ceptr.org for more information.
  3. We are designing a 5 day program with FutureScouts.co around 21 skills for 21st century humans! Think technology meets magic meets nature! We’re designing it for young people ages 13 to 20 and it will be an experience you won’t forget!
  4. Our co-founders Nicole and Brendan are planning a trip to Europe where she will visit with others in the sector so we can learn and apply the knowledge and skills we gain to Circuit Youth. You will know if we go as we will share for sure!
  5. We are hosting some meetups like Fashion Tech even though they are generally not open to the public. We have a planned presence in the Rogue Valley Maker Faire with some Fashion Tech pieces and other surprises!
  6. We have a planned presence in the Chamber of Commerce, the Culture of Peace Commission, and the Rogue Valley Maker Movement. We continue to develop partnerships and will host some mastermind events with our advisors so we can ground a stronger, more exciting, and more innovative place for you!
  7. Circuit Youth is also hosting workshops on learning auxlangs (auxiliary languages) as a way to create community around the Circuit Youth movement. An article describing what these language workshops are about and what resources will be used is coming next week!

Circuit Youth’s direction is completely focused on securing a new space to flourish and to become a long term member of the Ashland and Rogue Valley community. It is up to you the community to help us continue our vision to propel what we want to offer you forward. Thank you for your support!

Check out our website at www.circuityouth.org!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RealCircuitYouth/?ref=bookmarks

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Circuit_Youth

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/circuityouth/

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Alex Gentry
Circuit Youth Salvo

Language/Book/Travel Enthusiast. Language Tutor. Freelance Translator. Writer. Learning Graphic Design/Copywriting. Seeking Opportunities in E-Learning.