About me

What I care about

Sam Battams
Sam Battams
2 min readSep 13, 2017


My interest is in progress, but not at all costs. This explains my fascination with technology, the driver for change in our era. I’m acutely conscious of it’s unmatched power as a force for good and bad. Intrigued by it’s increasing underpinning of society, business, politics, and human interaction. I’m no tech evangelist, rather a quizzical onlooker, probing to understand how and why technology can make things genuinely better, not just different.

My pursuit of making things better goes beyond technology, to a questioning of how businesses can have a more positive impact on people, through well thought through products and services that understand and value the modern world, and plan for the long term. Innovation, to me, is about brands and businesses trying to get there quicker (because they need to). Working in a different way to hope for a better output. I believe that the internet marked the beginning of the end for brands built on substandard products or services, and with that, the end of the long term impact of most forms of 20th Century advertising.

To summarise, I believe:

  • Change is better than hoping to get by
  • Positive impact should be considered over progress at all costs
  • Fantastic ideas are more important than awesome technology
  • Super products now win out against great advertising
  • Genuinely better is always the goal

Get in touch at sambattams@gmail.com

