Autumn delights

In this month’s letter I talk about Autumn, the privilege and responsibility of writing, and share some highlights from the last month of posts

Sam Radford
Being Human
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2 min readOct 26, 2016


Another month has passed and, once again, I’m grateful for all the interest, support, comments, and recommendations for my writing at Being Human. I continue to be surprised by how many people are engaging with the content and finding inspiration and encouragement in the words I write each day.

Since my last letter, we have well and truly entered into Autumn (or ‘Fall’ as my American friends strangely call it). I don’t know about you, but I love this time of year. The autumnal colours are so beautiful. Playing in the fallen leaves with my young girls brings endless fun. The cold-but-not-too-cold weather is just how I like it. And though it signals the end of something (summer), I find it an uplifting time of year. I can’t quite explain it, all I know is that I love its mesmerising beauty.

Anyway, below are some of the highlights from this last month. These are not necessarily the most read or recommended pieces, but simply those that I’d like to draw you attention to if you missed them when they were first published.

Writing is both a privilege and a responsibility. Even though my writing is advice and insight for myself first and foremost, I know that words carry weight and that people hear those words and they can influence choices. I carry that responsibility and continue to be honoured by the trust you put in me by choosing to read my words.

Thank you for your ongoing support and interest in my work. Know that you are appreciated and, for those of you who write regularly too, you are a source of much of my inspiration. Nothing is truly original and we’re all riffing to greater and lesser extents off the content of others. Thank you for putting out so much great content to riff off!

Until next time,



Sam Radford
Being Human

Husband, father, writer, Apple geek, sports fan, pragmatic idealist. I write in order to understand.