Feeling rough

Why do we press on when we know we should stop?

Sam Radford
Being Human
Published in
1 min readOct 21, 2016


Today I’m off work. Head aching, throat sore, chest hurting. I’ve felt it coming for the last couple of days. But, as we do, I just kept going. Now it’s caught up with me and it’s a day in bed for me. I’m hoping the rest will mean I recover quickly, especially as it’s just me and my two girls this weekend.

Sometimes I wonder whether reaching a point like this is our body’s way of telling us to slow down. We do have this tendency to keep pressing on. We know we should stop, but our sense of responsibility kicks in. We don’t want to let anyone down. So we plough on.

But I’m just going to embrace today for what it is. Rest up. And trust I’ll be back at one hundred percent soon.

And hopefully I’ll have something more profound to say tomorrow too!



Sam Radford
Being Human

Husband, father, writer, Apple geek, sports fan, pragmatic idealist. I write in order to understand.