How hard is it to be kind, compassionate, and gracious?

Becoming part of the solution to the current demise of humanity

Sam Radford
Being Human
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2016


Every so often I make a rare excursion into the comments on a news story.

For reasons related to my sanity, I don’t do this often.

But today was one of those days when I did. It wasn’t even a contentious piece. It was one of those fluffy notebook pieces. And yet, even there, countless people managed to find ways to manifest such ugly behaviour.

There are so many angry people out there.

I am seriously worried for the human race at the moment.

How hard is it to be kind, compassionate, and gracious in our interactions with others, no matter how much we may disagree with them?

Why do we no longer seem to feel any need to even try to behave respectfully in online conversation?

It feels like someone pressed the wrong button and humanity is going through a massive software downgrade at the moment, taking us back to a more primitive, tribalistic, and dualistic version of humanity.

Never has there been a more important time for each of us, person by person, to take responsibility for bucking this trend.

As Ghandi said, we need to be the change we want to see in the world. I can moan in despair at the state of our world, or I can play my part in living a life of light and love.

If enough of us refuse to be part of the problem, maybe just maybe we we can be the solution.

Here’s hoping!



Sam Radford
Being Human

Husband, father, writer, Apple geek, sports fan, pragmatic idealist. I write in order to understand.