Saturday morning reflections

My morning quiet time

Sam Radford
Being Human
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2016


It’s early Saturday morning. The house is silent. My wife lies asleep beside me. The dog is gently snoring. I can hear the girls starting to stir, but thankfully they’re not jumping on me yet. Not that I mind that. Truthfully, I love the moment one or both of my girls potter through for a morning snuggle in bed. I’ll miss that when they’re older. But, right now, this is my time. A chance to read something enlightening. For silent meditation.

I often wish I could sleep longer in a morning, but then I know I would miss this time so much. Sometimes I think I should get up even earlier and do my writing in these moments. Actually getting out of bed seems like a lot like hard work though. Maybe someday!

I am writing this morning though. I doubt there will be a chance later. We are heading over to my parents for breakfast soon to meet up with all the family to begin a day of celebrating my mum’s 70th birthday. It’ll be a fun but tiring day as we’re heading back to Sheffield at the end of it ready to host brunch for our church community tomorrow.

As I head into this day though I am grateful for so many things. Particularly family who bring so much love and support. We are scattered all over the country but it’s always fun when we’re together. I especially love seeing the girls playing with their cousins. There’s something so special about that relationship.

Anyway, I need to get on. Every paragraph is now becoming a delaying tactic for getting out of bed and getting the girls up and out the house! Here’s to a great weekend though.

Image: David Mao



Sam Radford
Being Human

Husband, father, writer, Apple geek, sports fan, pragmatic idealist. I write in order to understand.