Image: Rachel Radford

The healing power of nature

Peace outside the city

Sam Radford
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2016


As I write this, my family and I have just arrived near Ambleside in the Lake District for the second week of our holiday. It was a somewhat painful journey that took much longer than we anticipated thanks to a combination of a car crash and road works.

It’s fair to say I was feeling impatient and frustrated along the way. Having two tired young girls in the back didn’t ease the tension I felt either. But as soon as we got off the motorway and started to drive into the Lake District, it was impossible to stay in that negative frame of mind with the amazing beauty and landscape.

There is something so wonderfully healing and restoring about the beauty of nature. The power of nature to bring our minds back to what truly matters is almost miraculous.

It’s easy to forget this sometimes. Even though I don’t live far from nature, I spend most of my time locked up in the city. I wonder how much my stress and anxiety levels would be reduced if I committed to spending more time getting out of the city and into nature? I suspect a lot.

So I hope this time in one of the most beautiful parts of England will be a trigger to keep pursuing time in nature as part of my daily life.



Sam Radford

Husband, father, writer, Apple geek, sports fan, pragmatic idealist. I write in order to understand.