Just another day, he said to everyone who called

Saheb Motiani
Sam-The Learner
3 min readJun 23, 2016


The conversation which happens on a birthday phone call is pretty standard I guess. Here is how it went this year for me..

They wish happy bday; I say thank you; They ask about my plans, where am I partying?; I say nothing, no plans, just another day at office. Then they say one or the other thing to make me sad, for instance, how sad are you, you have become an old man, like an uncle, 24 you have reached the age of getting married, why have you gone to office, you should have taken a leave and the list goes on.

But for some certain reason I was completely immune to the taunting comments which were meant to be funny. The reason might lie in the fact that I am happy the way it is. Just like any other day. I always liked the idea of birthday being just another day, but as far as I remember it has never been simple for me, last year I was on a trip to Abu with my parents and before that in Aamby Valley, Lonavala with my friends.

Maybe I crave for change more than anything else, and I was bored and wanted a change from being secluded to a beautiful place on my birthday with some of the best people I have.

Another reason for my calmness is growing up. I think I have matured quite a lot in past couple of years. Let me put it this way, I know what I like to do and I am going to continue doing that in a better way and nothing can stop me from doing so. I understand there is no hurry, I understand doing anything the right way is more important that completing it early and I also understand I can achieve what I want, its all upto me.

I want to write and build awesome software. I want to find interesting people, have long philosophical discussions and continue my quest for wisdom. I want to keep helping anyone, be it young or old, by listening to their life story, gaining inspiration from them or giving them some slice of my motivation. I want to care for the people I love and spend as much as time possible with them. And I want to learn to put my frank thoughts in a manner which doesn’t look rude to people who don’t know me.

I know these things don’t complete in a day or month, I also know it is going to be a journey of a life time and I also know I am ready to board it today.

I am no hater of birthdays, they are great, you get lot of attention and phone calls. Who doesn’t like some more attention and other people working to make your day special. But for me they have more been like a mid new year, when I analyse my old resolutions, take it easy, analyse them, dissolve them and make some new ones. It is easy for me to track them as this is another date I am not going to forget.

Definitely I am growing old, there is no denying that, but it is not something which I realise only today, that is something I have been feeling for more than a year now. Age used to to bother me, but not any more, I have understood that it is just another number, it is like a resume which doesn’t matter much in the story of your life.

— Sam The Learner

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Saheb Motiani
Sam-The Learner

A writer in progress | A programmer for a living | And an amateur poker player