SAMA chat bots: EchoBot


Oleksandr Chabaniuk
SAMA communications


So… if all your friends are busy at the moment, and you really want to test our powerful API, then take this opportunity yourself 😉.

That’s why we have developed and added a chatbot so that you don’t waste your precious time and can try out its API right now and start getting to know it.

Okay, what can your bot do? 🤔

Good question! We have realised the basic needs of the user:

  • 📨 You can definitely send bot a message, yes.
  • 🧷 And yes, you can send attachments in a message, but only the allowed file types.
  • 🪞 After each message you send, the bot will send you an echo message in 3 seconds.

In addition:

  • ➕ add a bot to a group chat or create a new chat with a bot, and it will reply to everyone in the chat.

Well, in order to find a bot and start communicating, enter echobot in the search bar in the SAMA client: 💻

❗️It is important to note that if the bot is not online, it will not work.

Maybe we should make more bots…?

Why not? 😀

Everything you need to connect your bot in your app:

  1. 📑 Create an account on the client (manually or via the database).
  2. ⚙️ Set up your bot and connect it to the API as a client.
  3. ⏯ Add the necessary logic when receiving requests from the server and run the bot.
  4. 🪄 Go to your app and test it!

* If you have any questions, you know how to contact us 😉👇🏼.

Chat bots library —

Try SAMA 👇🏼

To run SAMA server locally — follow Frontend app is available at

Discover, enjoy, and all feedback is welcome. We will be thankful a lot for every GitHub star, issue, or comment!

