SAMA chat server API: Activities


Oleksandr Chabaniuk
SAMA communications


I think everyone has had a conversation where your opponent didn’t answer for a long time, and you didn’t know whether they were busy or just ignoring you. That’s why such a small and at the same time big thing as the last user activity will be an important element in an online conversation.

📜 Online, or not online, that is the question… 🪶

Use these 3 methods from the SAMA Activities API to implement real-time user status tracking 👀:

  • 🔔 status_subscribe | Subscribe to user activity
  • 🔕 status_unsubscribe | Unsubscribe from a user’s activity
  • 👁‍🗨 get_user_status | Get the latest activity of a list of users

Subscribe to user activity

~ request name: status_subscribe

Let’s subscribe to another user’s activity. It will be valid until we unsubscribe or the user is deleted.

The request ⬆️ will look like this:

request: {
user_last_activity_subscribe: {
id: "64e4972ec0d3198d69c6de48"
id: "subscribe_request"

In response ⬇️, you will receive the current activity of this user:

response: {
last_activity: {
64e4972ec0d3198d69c6de48: "online" | <last_activity-time>
id: "subscribe_request"

❗️At the moment, you can only follow one user.

Unsubscribe from a user’s activity

~ request name: status_unsubscribe

As we have already mentioned, you can only subscribe to one user, so to unsubscribe, you need to send an empty request ⬆️:

request: {
user_last_activity_unsubscribe: {},
id: "unsubscribe_request"

And get a response ⬇️ about the success of the operation:

response: {
success: true,
id: "unsubscribe_request"

Get the latest activity of a list of users

~ request name: get_user_status

Okay, if I have a group chat, how can I get the activity of all users? Do I need to subscribe to everyone?

It will be easier for you to send a single request ⬆️, where you specify the IDs of all users (up to 🔟):

  request: {
user_last_activity: {
ids: [
id: "get_user_status_request"

And get a list of all user activities:

response: {
last_activity: {
64e4972ec0d3198d69c6de48: 1693390374,
64e5ccc00377ba662f72eff5: "online",
id: "get_user_status_request"


Need to track user activity 24/7? Go for it! ☝🏻

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