[Guide] Why Cloud-based Insurance CRM Solutions best for Agency

Sandip Malaviya
Samarpan Infotech
Published in
8 min readNov 6, 2020
Cloud Insurance CRM Solutions

With an increasing impact of technology; every industry is transforming. So does the insurance sector.

  • With several new software and mobile applications, the life of insurance agency employees and customers is easy now. The major role in this transformation is of Insurance CRM Solutions.
  • There no doubt that traditional CRM solutions are still helping agencies but Cloud Insurance CRM Solutions are introducing a new trend. With benefits like instant data access and anytime policy buying both customers and employees are loving the easiness.

In this blog, we have tried to cover everything about the cloud CRM solutions for the insurance sector. Keep this blog as your guide to know

How can Cloud based CRM boost the productivity of Insurance agents and Increase your customers loyalty towards agency?

Let’s understand all aspects of Cloud CRM,

What are Cloud Insurance CRM solutions?

A cloud-based customer relationship management solution for the Insurance industry is where all the customer data will be present in the cloud and the services will be provided to the end-users through the internet.

Why an Insurance agency need Custom Cloud CRM Vs Traditional CRM?

For those agencies who are still searching for the best CRMs for Insurance Agents, it is advisable to go for a custom CRM. Wondering why?

  • Well, every agency has its own policy, needs, and rules. From client communication to lead management, every agency has its own set of regulations.
  • An existing CRM is built on defined rules and policies. Most of the cases a company has to pay for the features which they are never going to use; such functions or features of the app take up more space in your system and are of no benefit.

Features of Effective Insurance CRM Solution

  • If you want to make your CRM similar to any other existing CRM then you can just add the basic features. But if you want to stand out in the competition then you will have to add features that are not unique and good as per the user-friendly perspective.
  • Below are a few must-have features to add in your Insurance CRM software. Moreover; these features will help you to increase the productivity of sales agents and also will help you to get more customer loyalty.

Seamless Communication

  • The prime objective of any CRM is communication with the customer. CRM is responsible to keep long-lasting customers relationship. Along with that, CRM is capable of opening up new opportunities for the sales team as well.
  • Communication kit is required to welcome new customers, send respective documents as an attachment with the mail and to send reminders.
  • Auto-response with the help of Artificial Intelligence: even if your customers care, representatives, are not available. A customer can get the answer to its query at 4 am in the morning.

Online Binding

Quote Online Binding in Cloud insurance agency crm

With online binding, you will get complete web rater service with the least role of agent.

A potential customer will be able to buy the policy online directly from the website of the insurance agency. The entire process of policy buying will be online.

  1. Filling the form in the document.
  2. Providing details in the questionnaire.
  3. Details of the package and comparison of different packages.
  4. Online payment with different payment gateways.
  5. E-sign option.

Customer/ Client Management

Customer Management

With cloud insurance CRM you will get end-to-end customer management process which will include:

  1. Payment management,
  2. Timeline management,
  3. Policy management,
  4. Profile management,
  5. Reminder notification management,
  6. Document management,
  7. Followup & Notes management,
  8. History & Activities tracking with management,
  9. Binder & ID Card management.

Along with these features, there are few other features like

  • Bulk migration of customers from any other system to your own CRM.
  • Merging of contact in multiple policies.
  • Different payment option with secure payment gateways.
  • Installment and payment due reminders.

Business Intelligence BI Reporting

Business Intelligence BI Reports

An insurance agency has to be data-driven and for that, there is a high need for automatic real-time data updation. With multiple report filters, an insurance agency can analyze their business and their customers. Here are a few examples of report types:

  1. Due Report: A balance due report will help your agency to get alerts and data of organizations or individuals whose payment is due.
  2. Employee report: The agency will have an employee end of day report to track the sales, payment collection, employee tasks, and closing ration.
  3. Admin overview: A separate dashboard will be provided to the admin to check the overall data of employees, offices as well as franchisees for data collection, payment, installments, and dues.

Agency Management

Agency Office Agent Management in Cloud Insurance CRM

If your agency has multiple offices at different locations then you definitely need a custom CRM software. With features like mentioned below, you can have the details of all the offices in one place.

  1. Management based on the roles of different employees.
  2. Multiple office group management.
  3. Access limitation and rights management of the employees.
  4. Email and SMS configuration setup office-wise.
  5. Set up for employees who are working at different locations of the same agency.

Feedback and Support

There is no doubt that reviews and feedback are important for any organization.

Review Support Feature in Cloud CRM

These reviews play an important role in some big decisions. With options to add multiple social media review management and sending bulk invitations to the customers will help the agency to get genuine feedback.

Also, there will a support management system to help your customers get required help and guide to install specific features.

Azure Cloud Service for Insurance CRM Development

Microsoft Azure is an open, robust and flexible cloud computing platform. It allows building, deploying and managing mobile applications and software in the cloud environment.

Big giants like Samsung, Pixar, Boeing, and Xerox are relying on the efficiency of Azure. Azure cloud service provides the following

Features for Effective Cloud CRM Solution:

  • Centralized customer database.
  • Faster data access and analysis.
  • Secure data storage.
  • Effective disaster recovery.
  • Resource on-demand.
  • Integration of familiar tools.

These features make Microsoft Azure Cloud Services an important aspect for the successful implementation of the CRM among the employees and customers.

DID YOU KNOW? By 2023, over half of all infrastructure spending by IT buyers will be on IaaS, with public cloud IaaS compute representing more than 25% of the compute footprint at an average enterprise.

IDC’s top 10 predictions for global enterprise infrastructure in 2020.

Which Cloud Solutions Integrate makes best Agency CRM software?

To make your agency stand out you need to deliver the most seamless and best solutions to help the customers adapt your software. Here are a few solutions which you can integrate with your Insurance CRM Software:

Cloud Communications

twilio ring central cloud communication management in CRM

With cloud communication platform as a service(CPaaS), you can integrate Twilio and Ring Central. The employees of the agency can communicate with the customers.

Management of Leads

Lead Management Feature of CRM solutions

With configured APIs of lead providers like TheZebra, EverQuote and Insurify the employees can manage the potential leads and convert them into customers.

Auto Insurance Quote and Online biding

Auto Insurance Quote and Online biding feature in CRM Software

CRM software needs to have an online form and biding portal to allow customers to select especially when it comes to auto insurance.


DocuSign API Integration esign In Insurance CRM

DocuSign API integration is an important solution for the people who are not that much tech-savvy to generate and upload e-sign on there own.

Cloud CRM with .NET Development?

When it comes to cloud computing we have already discussed the benefit of the Azure platform and there is no doubt that .Net developers are pro in building cloud-optimized applications.

Here are a few benefits of opting for .NET Development Services for your cloud CRM:

Benefits of Cloud CRM Developed with .NET Framework

  • High Performing apps: For any new update or enhancement in the app; the .Net code gets optimized automatically. Moreover; the compiler in the .net core can optimize the code after the code is re-compiled in the system.
  • Cross-platform Performance: If you want your agency CRM software to work on multiple platforms and architecture then .net is the right choice for you. Hence; you just need one software that will work perfectly on Linux, Windows, and macOS.
  • This is an important benefit because an insurance agency has customers from all types of industries like Information Technology, Healthcare and automotive. Everyone doesn’t need to use Windows or macOS. There still are some people who use Linux.
  • Less Code: Less coding means less amount of time required and fewer resources required. This is the reason that .net is also an affordable solution for any type of development. Even for an enterprise-level of applications .NET developers takes less time as compared to other frameworks.


So; that was the nitty-gritty of Insurance CRM Solutions. We hope we have covered all the aspects of Cloud Insurance CRM Solutions. If you want to know the details of Custom Insurance CRM Solutions then here is our previous blog:

We at Samarpan Infotech has one of the finest teams of developers, designers and analysts.

With the experience of developing Insurance Enterprise Lead
Management Software, we know how to customize your software. We will build the right solution as per the requirement of your agency.

Schedule Your Meet with us today and discuss the best way to get the ROI on your Insurance Agency CRM Software.

Further Reading: Insurance CRM Software — Detailed Guide for Agents



Sandip Malaviya
Samarpan Infotech

Sandip is tech enthusiastic with 10+ years expertise in .NET, IoT, AI, Insurance CRM solutions. To follow his passion he found Samarpan Infotech IT Consultancy.