A network for creatives doing big things with small businesses.

Ksenya Samarskaya
Writeskaya from Samarskaya & Partners
1 min readJan 24, 2018


Join the club! Just fill out this 10-question survey here: https://dba1.typeform.com/to/sfeUjn

D-B-A (doing-business-as) was conceived to collectively discuss issues and obstacles unique to small creative businesses: hiring and retention, building a pipeline of leads, effective marketing, and enabling advancement, even if you’re already the boss.

The need for D-B-A arose when we saw that formal design organizations weren’t meeting the needs that independent creatives have with their own firms. Instead, our best business advice, consolation, and tough love came from one-on-one or small group discussions we were informally having with each other. We wanted a way to collect and amplify those resources. And after the tumultuous past year, during which we’ve been hearing (both privately and publicly) of friends facing greater obstacles, it was time to get it into gear.

We propose a manageable, invite-only community that can provide frank discussions, camaraderie, and support — the tools we need to overcome difficulties, together. This group would be available to offer guidance via Slack as well as through in-person salons, constructing a framework for each member to build a stronger business.

If you’d like to partake, submit your application here.

With love,
David (Objective Subject)
Ksenya (Samarskaya & Partners)



Ksenya Samarskaya
Writeskaya from Samarskaya & Partners

Type Design, Visual Communications, Brand Strategy, Cultural Semantics. Infinite circle-back of linking: http://samarskaya.com/, http://log.samarskaya.com/.