I’m slightly embarrassed to write this but I need to—Hello, world.

Greg Storey
Same Page
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2023


A friend of mine recently posted, “If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.” His thought is illustrated with visuals of the first version of the “Metaverse” next to the most recent. The contrast between the two is stark, an extraordinary improvement from one to the next.

With that in mind, I am very pleased to introduce Same Team Partners, a consultancy to help business owners who want to get out of the business*. It’s a brand spanking new venture between myself and Brett Harned, my long-time friend and colleague. Though we are pleased as punch to go live, we are pretty embarrassed by the state of our brand and website. It’s not a fair representation of our creative ability, vast experience, and entrepreneurial ambitions. We can and will do better, but we have to prioritize or nothing will ever get done.

After many years of talking about the “one day” we would work together — exchanging ideas and inspiration for what we could and should put out in the world — we both said enough-is-enough and gave ourselves a hard deadline to launch. We allotted no more than a week of working an hour here and an hour there to come up with a company name, write marketing copy, create the most MVP of a brand, and get a webpage published, along with a blog.

So, yeah, we totally blew that deadline but only by a week. After helping sick family members and one very sick cat, we’re here with a website that kinda makes us cringe, but we did it! Our doors are open and there is nowhere to go from here but up and out. And while I wish everything looked, sounded, and felt bigger and better, at least we’re going to market with our legs attached.

You can’t see us, but we’re taking a bow. Please clap.

Despite our instinctual hesitation to go live without everything finished and polished launching today feels incredibly great! We have so, so much to say and share about our new endeavor, but for now, we’re gold. Solid gold.

Stay tuned. Subscribe. Follow along, and let’s make sure we’re all on the Same Page.

* We’re planting our flag with owner/operators but we’re well equipped (like really well) to work with in-house leaders form, storm, and norm. More on this later.



Greg Storey
Same Page

Constant Observer. Occasional Writer. Operations Chief. People Coach. Design Enthusiast. Type Collector.