Why I put college on hold

This is the story of an 18 year old girl that decided to take a year away from school and focus on something more important — reaching the world for Christ by helping those less fortunate.

Samantha Jones
Filling the Gap
2 min readAug 23, 2017


Young Tufi Tribal Girl in Papua New Guinea

My name is Samantha Jones. I‘m 18 years old, live in Charlotte, and was planning on attending Point Loma Nazarene Univeristy this fall. However, I am quickly learning that things in life don’t always go as planned.

Earlier this summer, I was presented with the opportunity to join a year-long outreach training and mission program through YWAM (Youth with a Mission). To learn more about the program, check out YWAM Kauai’s website — or just watch the video.

Anyway, you should know that I was really looking forward to going to college this year. I was excited to start out on my own, make some new life-long relationships… the whole deal. But, something just didn’t feel right. Something was missing.

After much reflection, and a lot of prayer, I realized that God wanted something more from me. He wanted me to dig deeper, to grow our relationship first, to be obedient, to serve Him.

So I make the choice to delay my acceptance to PLNU, and I signed up to join YWAM’s gap-year program!

It begins September 8th, when I will travel to Kauai to attend their 3 month training program; Discipleship Training School (DTS). During this time, I will live in a house with other students, train with DTS leaders, grow my personal relationship with God, and learn how to better serve Him.

Then, finally, we will embark on a 3 month outreach mission to serve the people of Paupa New Guinea!

It‘s important for me to embark on this adventure to help me begin my life as an adult with the right mindset and heart. To experience the value of giving and receiving unconditional love with the people of this world. To grow in my personal strength and connection with God. To gain some real-world experience, and to appreciate the privileges I am given because I live in a safe and free country.

Throughout the year, I will submit posts here so that you can follow my adventure, and maybe even provide a bit of encouragement along the way.

If you would like to help support my mission trip, you can head over to my GoFundMe page. Any and all support is greatly appreciated (and needed).

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations”
Matthew 28:19

