Welcoming home my Dom

Mia Stone
Mia Stone
Published in
5 min readApr 20, 2021

When you left for work that evening, I was busy writing. Most nights I hated you gone, but I was on a deadline and needed the time to write.

“Good luck,” you said before kissing the top of my head. I was already lost in the scene I was in the middle of writing and barely mumbled my goodbye.

“Don’t forget to eat and drink.” You motioned to the nightstand and I smiled. You had my favorite writing snacks there (Swedish Fish) and bottles of water along with the print out from the Panera bread you’d pre-ordered for me to be delivered later.

“Thank you.” I set my laptop aside and got on my knees, wrapping my arms around your neck and kissing you on the lips. You always supported my writing and it was because of you that I was able to write full time.

As was often the case, when you kissed me, it was not ever a simple kiss. Your hands move down to cup my ass in my leggings and you pressed me against you as our tongues danced. I finally pulled away breathless.

“Don’t you need to leave?”

You smacked my ass and I squealed. “I do. I’m tempted to call in and spend the rest of the night devouring you, but I know you need to work. I’ll just distract you.” You kissed my forehead and smacked my ass again. “Now get to work and don’t forget to send me what you write.”

I sat back down on the bed and grabbed my laptop. I watched you walk out of the bedroom and got to work.

I only had a couple of chapters left but they were due to my editor that night. I had an aggressive release schedule and it was imperative I met all my dates.

One of the things I had to write was a sex scene. They were my favorite thing to write and I loved to share them with you because it often led to some dirty fun.

As I finished writing it, I could feel the wetness grow between my legs. I glanced at my nightstand and considered a quick and dirty orgasm with my favorite vibrator when you sent me a text asking where the sex scene was and if I was done. And if I’d been eating and drinking.

I sighed and got off the bed, going to the living room. I sent off the scene and found my dinner on the front porch. I knew if I didn’t eat, I’d be in trouble when you got home.

As I finished up my salad, you called me.

“Holy fuck, honey, that scene was hot. I’m doing all of that to you when I get home.”

I laughed but was pleased you liked it. You asked if I ate and we talked a little longer. “Did you cum after you wrote that?” I smiled into the phone. You always knew how turned on sex scenes made me.

“Not yet. I have to finish the book.”

“Ok, but if you need to, you should cum. I also plan on taking very good care of you when I get home.”

I squeezed my legs together and we said goodbye. I went back to our bedroom and finished writing my book. You’d sent me back some notes on the scenes I’d written and I fixed them before sending the book off to my editor. It was one AM and I laid back in bed with a sigh, relieved the book was done.

I stripped out of my clothes and climbed under the covers before turning on The Office. I glanced at the nightstand again but I was too tired. I could wait until you came home.

I fell asleep with the tv on and woke with a start. I’d been having the most amazing dream that we were away somewhere and you had me all tied up, making me cum over and over again.

My hand trailed between my legs and I gasped at how wet I was. I was pretty sure I’d even orgasmed in my sleep, so why was I still so restless?

I flipped onto my stomach and bunched the pillow under my head. You’d be home soon and I really wanted to wait for you.

Except I couldn’t anymore. I needed to cum.

I thought about the way you’d fucked me after you. woke up the day before. The way you’d wrung orgasm after orgasm from me with your fingers tongue and cock had me hot again and needing release.

I lifted my hips up from the bed and slipped my hand between my legs. I moaned softly as my fingers started to work my already swollen nub. Two fingers easily slid inside my wet cunt and I gasped as my walls squeezed around them. I began to ride my hand, practically jumping the bed, when I felt the bed shift.

“What are you doing, Precious?”

I turned my head to find you sitting next to me on the bed. I’d been so lost in my desire, I never heard you come in. I opened my mouth and started to remove my hand when you stopped me.

“Keep going. I want you to cum for me.” I whimpered and continued to finger my pussy. The sounds of my fingers in my wet sex filled the room. You leaned forward and nuzzled my neck, kissing the sensitive spot behind my ear. “That’s it, my dirty girl. Ride that hand.”

I cried out again and you moved a hand to my ass. I was so close. I was about to tumble over the edge of pleasure.

You swiped your thumb through my sex before sliding it into my ass. You bit my neck and ran your tongue over the spot. “Fuck, you make me so hard little girl. I can’t wait to fuck that mouth and fill your holes with my cum.”

I love when you talk dirty to me and I was whimpering now, riding my hand faster, my face biting in the pillow. A monster orgasm was building and I was almost afraid to release.

“Cum for me.”

That was all it took. I opened my mouth in a silent scream as my orgasm ripped through me. I gushed over my hand as wave after wave of pleasure tore through me.

When I finally came back to earth I pulled my hand out and rolled over to my back. You took my hand and licked each finger slowly, your eyes never leaving mine. When you were done, you pulled me into your arms and kissed my forehead. “Fuck, Precious, that was sexy. I’m going to shower and then come to bed. That was just a warmup.”



Mia Stone
Mia Stone

Mia lives in the Midwest with her family — two legged and four legged. When she’s not writing steamy stories, you can usually find her watching The Office.