Working late with my boss

Mia Stone
Mia Stone
Published in
9 min readApr 21, 2021

I was leaving my job at a top PR firm in Chicago in two days to move back home and had spent the last weeks working closely with my boss, Ezra, on a pitch for an account he’d been trying to land since he started the firm.

The night before the presentation we were working late for the third night in a row. I didn’t mind working late with him. If I was honest with myself, I’d had a slight crush on him since I interviewed with him a few years ago. Obviously since he was the boss, I didn’t act on it. He had a pretty strict policy about any managers having relationships with anyone that reported to them.

It was hard not to be attracted to him. Ezra was a fucking hottie and all the women in the firm drooled over him constantly. He looked like a Greek god with his face chiseled out of stone and jet black hair he combed back daily. He dressed in designer power suits that were just tight enough for everyone to notice the sculpted muscles rippling underneath.

The last few nights though, alone in the office together, he’d loosened up a little. He’s been taking off his suit coat and tie, unbuttoning a few buttons, and even rolling up his sleeves. Ezra caught me looking at him a few times and I swear I saw him checking me out as well when I took off my jacked, revealing the arms I worked on three times a week at the gym to keep in shape.

A couple times I think he even flirted with me. There was no way that could have happened though. Ezra dated models and would never be interested in me. I attributed my crazy ideas to lack of sleep. We were here from about seven AM until eleven each night.

The meeting was tomorrow and Ezra ran through the presentation. We put the finishing touches on it and it was flawless. He was so charismatic and could probably talk the panties off of a nun.

When he finished the trial run, I jumped up from my seat clapping. “That was so good! There’s no way they’re going to say no.” I ran up to him and he grabbed my face, pulling me in for a kiss. He caught me off guard at first, but soon I was wrapping my arms around his neck and returning his kiss. He ran his hands up and down my back as his lips ravaged mine.

I finally pulled away from him and brought the back of my hand up to my swollen lips. I’d imagined kissing Ezra more than once when I was alone in bed with my vibrator but the real thing was a million times better.

“What was that for?” I managed to say, my voice almost a whisper.

Ezra looked at me, his chest heaving as well and his eyes on me like he was a lion and I was his prey. “Sophia, I’ve wanted to do that since you walked into my office for your interview, but because of my stupid rules, I never could. Since you’re leaving in a few days, I decided now was as good of a time as any to go for it. I noticed some chemistry between us. At least I thought so. Tell me if I was wrong.”

My heart started to race even faster and I shook my head. “You’re not wrong, Ezra.”

He grinned and came at me, wrapping me in his arms for another kiss. This time his hands moved to my ass, gripping and squeezing me. I could feel his erection pressed against me. He pulled up my skirt and lifted me into his arms so I could wrap my legs around him as we continued to kiss. I pressed myself into him, knowing I was leaving a wet spot on his expensive suit pants.

Ezra carried us to the conference room table and set my ass at the edge. We stopped kissing and he reached behind me to push the papers that were there off the table and onto the ground. I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Sophia, I want to taste you. Working so close to you the last few days, it’s all I’ve thought about when I go home at night. I have to jack off in the shower like a fifteen year old boy before I can sleep and in the shower in the morning.” He slid his hand up my leg and I gasped. “I bet you’re wet for me already.” He took a deep breath and grinned. “I can smell your arousal.” He swiped a finger at the apex of my thighs and I shivered. “Fuck, already so wet for me.”

He lifted me again and pulled up my pencil skirt so it was bunched up around my waist, leaving me exposed to him in my thong. The table was cold on my ass and Ezra reached for my thong, ripping the flimsy material from me. He brought it up to his nose, his dark eyes almost black as night, on mine as he sniffed them. “I’m keeping these as a souvenir.” He slipped them into the pocket of his slacks and I whimpered.

He leaned in and kissed my lips gently. “Don’t worry, Sophia, I’m going to take good care of you. All you have to do is lay back and let me eat your pussy until you scream for me to stop. No one is here in the office anymore, so please, be as loud as you want.” He brought a hand to my chest and gently pushed me down so I was lying back on the conference table.

He got on his knees and spread my legs wide. He leaned in and I could hear him breathe me in. I lifted my head so I could watch him as he licked me in one long swipe. “Mmmm…you taste even better than I imagined, Sophia.” He dug his fingers into the inside of my thighs and dove right in. He began to eat my pussy with abandon, using his tongue and lips to suck my swollen clit and it wasn’t long before I had my fingers in his hair and was grinding my hips into his mouth.

I cried out when a quick orgasm crashed over me. I hadn’t had sex in longer than I cared to admit, but Ezra could eat pussy like no man I had ever been with and I came hard into his mouth.

He didn’t stop though. He kept his lips wrapped around my swollen nub and inserted two fingers into me. He found the spot inside me and worked it while his mouth continued to assault my clit. I arched on the table and pulled him against me wantonly. The squelching sounds of his fingers fucking my dripping wet pussy filled the room but I didn’t even care. All I cared about was this sexy man eating me out like he was starving.

I came again, even harder, gushing all over his fingers. He pulled me so I was sitting up. His arm was around my waist and he showed me his fingers covered in me. I opened my mouth and he grinned, sliding them inside. We never broke eye contact as I sucked him clean but I couldn’t help but notice how his face was glistened as well.

When he removed the fingers from my mouth, I grabbed his face for a kiss. It was a messy kiss, my lips and tongue all over, tasting myself all over him, sucking his tongue into my mouth.

“Fuck, that was sexy.” He brought a hand up to cup my cheek. “I want to fuck you now, Sophia.”

I leaned my forehead into his. “Please, Ezra. Please fuck me.” My voice was shaky and I almost didn’t recognize myself.

He growled and pulled away, quickly undoing his belt and removing his trousers and boxers in one swoop. I grinned and bit my bottom lip when his hard cock was freed. As I imagined, he was hung like a horse, but of course I didn’t expect anything else from Ezra. I reached for his cock and wrapped my hand around him, pumping him a few times before gathering the pre-cum from the tip on my thumb and bringing it to my mouth to lick off.

“Fuck, Sophia. You’re so fucking sexy.” He muttered as he grabbed my hips and thrust into me. I cried out as he invaded my body, my nails digging into his shoulders. I’d never been with a man as big as Ezra. Thankfully he paused and let my body adjust to him.

“You feel so good, so tight, Sophia.” He kissed my lips and started to move slowly in and out of me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and moaned. “Faster, Ezra. Harder. Please. I need you to fuck me.”

He gave me that lopsided grin that was known to melt panties in the office. “Well who am I to deny you?” He dragged me off of the table and I whimpered when his cock slipped out of me. He turned me around so I was bent over the table and lifted one of my legs onto it, exposing my pussy to him. He paused and ran a finger through it. “So pretty. Too bad I’m going to destroy that cunt now.”

I let out a low moan as he entered me again. This time he didn’t wait and started fucking me merceilessly over the conference table. He reached up and grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling me back against him.

He pounded into me over and over again and I could feel another orgasm building deep in my pussy. I started to twitch around him when he slapped my ass, first one cheek and then the other. I screamed as the waves of pleasure crashed over me. I tried to grab for anything on the table but there was nothing. He removed his hand from my hair and brought it around to my neck, squeezing gently. “I love to watch you cum. It’s my turn now though. I’m going to cum deep inside that cunt so when you go home it’s dripping out of me.” I moaned and he slapped my ass again, causing another orgasm to follow behind the other.

He thrust hard into me a few more times before moaning my name and releasing deep inside me. I could feel him pulse inside me, filling me just like he said he would. When he was done, he kissed the back of my neck and helped me up. He pulled my skirt down and patted my ass. “Now go home and get some sleep, Sophia. Don’t stop at the bathroom on your way home. Don’t clean yourself up before bed. I love the idea of you asleep in your bed, full of my cum.” He kissed my forehead. “I’ll clean this up and see you tomorrow. Off you go.”

I didn’t argue. I couldn’t talk but I also wasn’t sure I would be able to walk after that fucking he just gave me.

I managed to make it home and do as he said. The next day when I saw him at the office. He winked at me but acted normal, like the night before hadn’t happened.

Our presentation was a hit and we landed the account right there. Ezra was busy most of the day so I never saw him before I left. In my head, I knew last night was a one off, but I had been hoping he’d acknowledge it a little more.

I went to the gym and home after, eating popcorn and drinking a glass of wine. I almost didn’t know what to do with myself after so many late nights with Ezra. I was about to call it a night when my door buzzed.

“Who is it?” I never had visitors, much less at this time of night.

“Ezra. Can I come up?” What the fuck was he doing there? I glanced around my small apartment. At least it was clean since I’d barely been there but I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, my hair in a messy bun and no make-up.

“Sophia, are you there?”

“Yes, sorry. Sure.” I buzzed him and waited, pacing my apartment. There was a knock on the door and I opened it.

There was Ezra in jeans and a sweater, holding up a bottle of champagne and grinning. “Let’s celebrate. I plan to lick this off of every inch of your body tonight, Sophia.” He attacked me and wrapped me up in his arms as I laughed.

I guess all of those late nights with Ezra paid off in more than one way.



Mia Stone
Mia Stone

Mia lives in the Midwest with her family — two legged and four legged. When she’s not writing steamy stories, you can usually find her watching The Office.