Supercharge Your Slack #music Channel with Lizzen

Joe Tannenbaum
Sammich Shop
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2016

Sometimes, as a developer, you have to buckle down and tackle the really tough, important problems. Today was one of those days.

Damian and I are lovers of music, and we have just different enough taste to expand each others’ musical horizons. Until recently, we were both on Spotify and our #music channel was alive and humming with the hottest tracks and albums. We were living our auditory dreams.

That is, until Damian switched to Apple Music.

This presented us with a dilemma. Do I do the courteous thing and look up the Spotify track I found on Apple Music so Damian can just hit that sweet, sweet play button? Does Damian paste in the Apple Music URL and just hope that I do the legwork to hunt it down on Spotify?

This became laborious, and the music sharing dwindled.

But today, we woke up and said enough is enough. Today, we strapped on our armor and prepared for battle. Today, we decided to revive #music.

The first option we explored was Great stuff, super useful service, and they already had a Slack integration. But a couple of pitfalls: a) you have to search for the song name, we just wanted to paste the URL in and b) you have to click into the generated link and then click again on the streaming service link. We’re lazy. That’s too many clicks for us.

We couldn’t find anything else that met our needs, so we made Lizzen. It’s a Slack app that lets you paste in a streaming music URL for a track, artist, or album and spits out the matching URLs from other services. Currently, it supports Spotify, Apple Music, and

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Add Lizzen to your Slack team now.

