Alright Vine, I’m ready for my close up.

Patients Loremipsum
Sample 1
Published in
1 min readFeb 1, 2013

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. So how many words is a video worth? Thanks to Twitters new Vine App, we’re about to find out. The Vine app connects with your Twitter account and allows you to tweet 6 second video clips. A lot of people are wondering “How can anything be captured in just 6 seconds?!?!”. And that’s a valid question, but when twitter first launched in 2006 weren’t we all thinking “How can anyone make a coherent thought using just 140 characters?!?!”. Now, I’m not saying Vine will be the new Twitter, but it will make social networking more fun and surely inspire users to be more creative. Click the jump to learn more about Vine and find out 6 ways Vine’s 6 seconds may change social networking. This one blogger can tell you first hand that Vine is awesome. But don’t take my word for it, check out my latest Vine video.



Patients Loremipsum
Sample 1
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