Natural is Natural

Patients Loremipsum
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Published in
1 min readApr 28, 2014

We may think of Americans as a group of “over-medicators” who would rather pop pills than change their eating habits. But the truth is, if these habits are easy to adopt, we would rather go the natural route and use foods instead of chemicals to treat our medical conditions. That’s why “superfoods” have become so popular. As marketers, we’ve noticed this human truth in various conditions we work on, whether it’s RA, MS, gout, or cancer.

Unfortunately, this month at the annual meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research, cancer experts came to the conclusion that “good foods” and “bad foods” play little role in preventing cancer. Popular wisdom about eating more fatty fish and less red meat seems to not hold up to clinical study. Instead, only big habit changes — controlling obesity — can actually put a dent in cancer risk. This is a hard fact to swallow for patients who want a natural, but quick, fix.



Patients Loremipsum
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