2016 Digital Healthcare Trends to Date

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3 min readDec 19, 2016

With Q1 under our belt, we thought it would be a good time to take stock of some of this year’s top digital healthcare trends. Below are some highlights that were put together by our Emerging Digital Group (affectionately called “Edge”). If you’d like the full, in-depth report, e-mail us at EDG@CDMiConnect.com.

Cognitive Computing

In 2016, we’re seeing an increased use of cognitive computing platforms such as IBM Watson to assist in mining and analyzing health data. These platforms are bringing new perspectives and efficiencies to diagnosis and treatment decisions, healthcare resource allocation, and customer relationship management.

The Internet of… Me

The explosion of the Internet of Things (iOT) — from smart fabrics to smart pills — is spurring more personalized, more informed, and more meaningful healthcare experiences. This year, we’re seeing the iOT become even more me-centric, and it’s giving healthcare decision makers (patients included) the means to achieve better outcomes.

Home Health Monitoring

Until recently, analyzing things like your blood could only be done by “sending it out” to the Quests and LabCorps of the world. But new products like the Cue are bringing diagnostic measures into the home. The validity and accuracy of these measures may need to be established and fine-tuned, but before long, they could be a great complement to other home health trends, like Telemedicine.


Starting with devices like the FitBit, wearables have gained traction as an extension of the self. But the next step appears to be technology that is more integrated with the individual — “ownables,” as they are being called. From tattoos that can constantly monitor vital signs to cell-sized nanoparticles that can catch early signs of disease within our bloodstream, ownables will go well beyond counting steps to better our health.

Visual Centricity

Social media platforms are becoming more photo- and video-based. Virtual reality is becoming more of a practical reality. And the potential of 360 video is becoming realized. Now more than ever, visually-driven content is king. It’s a more efficient, more engaging way to communicate ideas, and healthcare communications are starting to get on board.

Have a trend we missed? Want to read our in-depth, full report? E-mail us at EDG@CDMiConnect.com.



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